This may be a very specific question, but since almost everyone seems to be quoting this book, I want to understand the derivation(s) of the solution for the independent boson model (IBM) from Mahan's book 'Many-particle physics', specifically the one using the Greens function (GF) formalism. My problem in understanding is mainly in the beginning, where he starts by writing down the GF as \begin{equation} G(t) = -i \langle T c(t) c^\dagger(0) \rangle = -i \theta(t) \langle e^{iH_0 t} c^\dagger e^{-iHt}c \rangle.\tag{4.376} \end{equation} $T$ is the time-ordering operator, $H_0$ the free Hamiltonian, $H$ the full Hamiltonian and $c$ the annihilation operator. I get that the first part is just the definition of the GF, but I don't get the second equal sign at all. Why do exponentials with both $H_0$ and $H$ appear? Why is $c$ to the right? He writes:
'Since there is only one particle in the band, the creation operator must be to the right, so $t>0$'.
But $c$ is to the right, and not $c^\dagger$? At least $t>0$ is enforced by the step function. Did he skip some step so this makes sense? This is all from chapter 4, equation (4.376)