How to test $Q = CV$ for a parallel plate capacitor experimentally?
If you use a constant current source, the charge will be equal to the amperage times seconds ($\mathrm C =\mathrm A \cdot \text{sec}$ or $Q=I\times \Delta t$).
It then would be simple enough to ...
In the undriven $RLC$ circuit, why would one conjecture the solution with $Ae^{Zt}$ when we perfectly know that critical case has $te^{-\alpha t}$?
Conjecturing solution of the form $e^{\alpha t}$ allows us to find characteristic polynomial easily and then it is standard fact that in cases like this one, if $\alpha$ is repeated root, then general ...
How to test $Q = CV$ for a parallel plate capacitor experimentally?
THere in outline is the set up my students used for over forty years which I am sure can be adapted using more modern apparatus.
A parallel plate capacitor is charged, position A, and then discharged,...
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