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Propagating solutions to Maxwell’s equations in classical electromagnetism and real photons in quantum electrodynamics. A superset of thermal-radiation.

0 votes

According to Maxwell Equations, how does the light travel straight line?

It is enough to realize that accelerated electrons on an antenna rod emit photons. The radioelectrician doesn't really care, the physicist should base his considerations on it. These photons are polar …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
1 vote

How energy density of EM wave oscillate?

What is EM radiation You have radiation always and everywhere. It occurs primarily through the relaxation of subatomic particles by means of photon emission. The previously necessary excitation of the …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Experiments carried out to determine the energy of photons of different wavelengths

I imagine it would be very difficult to experimentally determine the energy per photon of monochromatic EM radiation. Since every material reflects/absorbs differently at different wavelengths, I can …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
0 votes

How is a black body 'radiating' light different from 'reflecting' it?

You have to ask yourself what happens to the part of the daylight that is not reflected by a colored body. A body painted blue reflects blue quite well, but what happens to the other wavelengths? A go …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
-1 votes

Radiation from accelerated charged in a co-accelerated reference frame

if I sit on a accelerated charge particle I will not observe radiation since particle is at rest acc to me. If the particle is deflected in the magnetic field, for example, you either continue to ‘s …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
-2 votes

Single photon detection

Photons are part of the standard model of particle physics. By the way, it should be noted that unlike the other particles in the model, which are each assigned exactly one energy content (in the form …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
1 vote

A question about circularly polarized light

In addition to my2cts answer showing how circularly polarized light is detected, I would like to add the reason for this phenomenon. EM radiation can be polarized in the next way. In a polarization pl …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is the electric charge of a bound electron measurable?

What gives us the certainty that the unit charge of a free electron - measured and confirmed with the highest precision in numerous experiments - is retained even when approaching and integrating into …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
0 votes

Origination of electromagnetic wave energy

it is said that electromagnetic waves are formed by the oscillation (acceleration) of charges which forms 'kinks' in their electric field which is being transmitted as some distorted wave like fields …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How does a photon "cheat" its way past a neutron?

I learnt here Is a neutron deflected sideways by a laser beam? that a photon beam has no influence on the motion of a free neutron in the first and second approximation. Now I'm interested in what hap …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is a neutron deflected sideways by a laser beam?

Is a freely moving neutron deflected sideways when a laser beam is directed at it from the side? It would be great if the question could be considered from the two points of view that the laser beam i …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
1 vote

Dipole Antenna: Electromagnetic Wave

An EM wave is generated by the synchronous acceleration of surface electrons on a conductor rod. To prevent the process from coming to a standstill, it is periodically reversed. The electrons are move …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
2 votes

What is an electromagnetic wave exactly?

In case of electromagnetic waves, the electric field values oscillate with time. A measurable EM wave consists of a decreasing and increasing number of polarised photons and is induced by a wave gen …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
0 votes

How do you visualize an electro-magnetic wave?

What you get as an EM wave depends on how you generate EM radiation. The simplest and verifiably measurable wave you get is from a wave generator that accelerates surface electrons back and forth in a …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
0 votes

Incompatibility of the Lorentz force with electromagnetic radiation

The Lorentz force says nothing about the deeper cause of the deflection of moving charges in magnetic fields. The phenomenon was described for a current-carrying conductor that was deflected perpendic …
HolgerFiedler's user avatar

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