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Is it possible to conduct quantum teleportation with a larger than necessary e-dit and preserve entanglement?

Suppose you have an e-bit between qubits A and B. You want to transfer the state of qubit Q to B. You can utilize this e-bit to perform a quantum teleportation to achieve this. Now instead suppose ...
Logan J. Fisher's user avatar
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Can you project on an orthogonal basis for a multipartite quantum system using only local operations and classical communication?

Say Alice possesses one qubit, and Bob two, and that the joint state is $|\psi_{A, B_1, B_2}\rangle = \alpha|n_1\rangle + \beta |n_2\rangle$, where $|n_1\rangle$ and $|n_2\rangle$ are orthonormal ...
Abelaer's user avatar
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1 answer

How does quantum teleportation work without faster than light communication? [duplicate]

So recently I watched a MinutePhysics explanation of quantum teleportation. Recently I have also been asking questions about quantum entanglement, and the answer I am most often getting is faster than ...
Anish Kommireddy's user avatar
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Does the type of entangled pair make any difference in quantum teleportation?

From what I understand, in order to teleport the state of a qubit from place A to place B I need an entangled pair whose entanglement state will be consumed to perform the teleportation. All the ...
Wippo's user avatar
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Continuous-variable teleportation circuit using finite squeezing

I am studying the continuous variable teleporting circuit using a vacuum squeezed state showed by Weedbrook, pag. 39-40. Section: Gaussian errors from finite squeezing; in that, they propose an ...
Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro's user avatar
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Is quantum teleportation guessable?

The only obstacle preventing quantum teleportation to break the speed of light (in terms of communication speed) is the need to use classical communication to tell the other party how to perform the ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
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Is High-Fidelity Quantum-Entanglement Data-Transfer Real?

I was discussing quantum entanglement with a friend and explaining that faster than the speed of light data transfer isn't a reality with our current understanding of physics. He brought up quantum ...
Albert Renshaw's user avatar
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Continuous variable Fourier gate and teleportation circuit

I am studying the teleporting circuit of continuous variable showed by Weedbrook, pag. 37. Fig. (164); in that, they propose an input state to the circuit as $$ \left|\psi\right>\left|0\right>_{...
Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro's user avatar
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In quantum teleportation when exactly the original EPR pair stops being entangled?

In quantum teleportation Alice and Bob share a pair of entangled particles (EPR pair made of particles 2 and 3, for example). Alice has another particle (1) whose quantum state she wants to send to ...
Francisco Alegria's user avatar
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How are joint measurements of quantum states realized experimentally?

I have a question regarding the experimental implementation of joint measurements of quantum states. While I understand for example the teleportation protocol using Bell states, something that still ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Is quantum teleportation really teleportation? [closed]

I don't understand how quantum teleportation is considered teleportation if no information is transfered (in q-bits). Wouldn't it be less misleading calling it "quantum encrypting" or something ...
Terran's user avatar
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What are the benefits of quantum teleportation of continuous variables over discrete variables? [closed]

I have been learning about quantum teleportation in general and I was wondering what was the motivation behind achieving quantum teleportation of continuous variables. Edit: I'm aware that it is ...
Seaset's user avatar
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Teleportation and boosted observer, special relativity

According to relativistic quantum information, entanglement, purity of states are not Lorentz invariant. Here I check such a problem. If we have two coordinate systems $R_A,R_B$ with relative ...
XXDD's user avatar
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What's wrong with my teleporter? [closed]

Reading on the no communication theorem and quantum teleportation, I have difficulty understanding the following thought experiment. A light source is emitting photons at a regular intervals $T$ in a ...
JMLCarter's user avatar
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How do 3 physically entangled particles work?

Say a particle split into 3 particles that are all entangled to each other, if all 3 particles were to be measured simultaneously or rather if I'm to measure only one of them can I thus predict the ...
user6760's user avatar
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How do scientists entangle photons? [closed]

How do scientists entangle photons? One documentary I watched said that scientists can transport a single photon by entangling 2 other photons and somehow they are able to "teleport" them. How is it ...
technikfe's user avatar
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Would it be possible to manufacture Quantumly entangled atoms for lets say a phone or some other type of communication? [closed]

So lets say you have this wonderful machine that can entangle two atoms.Then you take atom A and you know how to make it spin clockwise and back counterclockwise and connect it to an 8 bit cable.Then ...
B Shannon's user avatar
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Communication via teleportation/entanglement (FTL communication)

I know this has been asked many times, but I have a hard time "crystallising" it in my mind. First: let's say we teleport a DVD (with quantum teleportation). Isn't this FTL communication? Second: ...
Nick's user avatar
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Can't quantum teleportation be superluminal some percentage of times?

I apologize if this is a really silly question. In the (textbook) quantum teleportation algorithm, in the step right after Alice has measured her system but before she has sent her classical ...
Hugo Nava Kopp's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can a non-entangled qubit be teleported by entangling it?

Let's say I have a qubit that is not entangled in state $\psi$. I want to teleport this qubit by entangling it with another qubit but still getting $\psi$ back in the end. Is this possible, or would ...
Nullius in Verba's user avatar
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Quantum teleportation of atomic states that involve energy [duplicate]

With quantum computing the concern is with information, and when quantum teleportation appears, the states being transferred are often spin states. However, there is an energy difference, even if ...
Peter Diehr's user avatar
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Does quantum teleportation lead to a change of quantum states?

Particles A and B are entangled, quantum information of particle A is transmitted to particle B via quantum teleportation, does particle B's quantum state change? What happens to particle A's quantum ...
Satyajit Sen's user avatar
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Why are Alice's states in teleportation superpositions, not "pure" tensor states?

I'm trying to understand the Wikipedia article on quantum teleportation. Since the two particles of Alice are not entangled, all base states $|i\rangle\otimes|j\rangle$ for $i,j\in\{0, 1\}$ of the ...
Bass's user avatar
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Is teleportation possible?

When I just learned about quantum entanglement, I read that if two electrons are in quantum entanglement and placed in two different places, the photon which interacted with one electron is teleported ...
Afsal S. Shajahan's user avatar
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Quantum teleportation and no-communication theorem

According to the Wikipedia article for the No-communication theorem: In very rough terms, the theorem describes a situation that is analogous to two people, each with a radio receiver, listening to ...
SdSdsdsd's user avatar
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University of Delft results regarding quantum teleportation of information

I have a college-level understanding of Physics. A recent study from the University of Delft in the Netherlands that seems to suggest that quantum teleportation of information (as in "communication of ...
Josh's user avatar
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13 votes
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Quantum computing records (entangled qubits)

What is the current record number of entagled qubits and how has this number been increased? The latest result on stack exchange, which is 3 years old, reports 14 via this post: How many stabilised ...
sunspots's user avatar
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Does the success of quantum teleportation means quantum cloning is possible too?

Well, I thought this might just be possible. Instead of having Bob and Alice having an entangled pair, they have multiple (> 2) amount of entangled quantum object (I'm not sure if this is possible too,...
user35503's user avatar
11 votes
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What is coherence in quantum mechanics?

What are coherence and quantum entanglement? Does it mean that two particles are the same? I read this in a book called Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku. He says that two particles behave in ...
user avatar
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What is the difference between Quantum teleportation and Radio waves?

Quantum teleportation over 143 kilometres using active feed- forward What is the difference between Quantum teleportation and radio waves?
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Can two distinct spatially separated many-body systems in the ground state contain entangled particles?

In particular, I am asking if two distinct many-body systems (e.g. system A and system B) separated at some arbitrary distance will necessarily be found to contain entangled particles (such that ...
user10120's user avatar
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What are the benefits of quantum information "teleportation"?

I read occasionally popular science articles and from time to time encounter issues about quantum information teleportation. (this one for example So far I ...
Andrey Tatarinov's user avatar