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Is it possible to conduct quantum teleportation with a larger than necessary e-dit and preserve entanglement?

Suppose you have an e-bit between qubits A and B. You want to transfer the state of qubit Q to B. You can utilize this e-bit to perform a quantum teleportation to achieve this. Now instead suppose ...
Logan J. Fisher's user avatar
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In quantum teleportation when exactly the original EPR pair stops being entangled?

In quantum teleportation Alice and Bob share a pair of entangled particles (EPR pair made of particles 2 and 3, for example). Alice has another particle (1) whose quantum state she wants to send to ...
Francisco Alegria's user avatar
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Teleportation and boosted observer, special relativity

According to relativistic quantum information, entanglement, purity of states are not Lorentz invariant. Here I check such a problem. If we have two coordinate systems $R_A,R_B$ with relative ...
XXDD's user avatar
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Continuous-variable teleportation circuit using finite squeezing

I am studying the continuous variable teleporting circuit using a vacuum squeezed state showed by Weedbrook, pag. 39-40. Section: Gaussian errors from finite squeezing; in that, they propose an ...
Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro's user avatar
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Continuous variable Fourier gate and teleportation circuit

I am studying the teleporting circuit of continuous variable showed by Weedbrook, pag. 37. Fig. (164); in that, they propose an input state to the circuit as $$ \left|\psi\right>\left|0\right>_{...
Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro's user avatar
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How are joint measurements of quantum states realized experimentally?

I have a question regarding the experimental implementation of joint measurements of quantum states. While I understand for example the teleportation protocol using Bell states, something that still ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Communication via teleportation/entanglement (FTL communication)

I know this has been asked many times, but I have a hard time "crystallising" it in my mind. First: let's say we teleport a DVD (with quantum teleportation). Isn't this FTL communication? Second: ...
Nick's user avatar
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