Linked Questions

13 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to create matter? [duplicate]

Is it possible to create matter? In a recent discussion I had, it was suggested that with enough energy in the future, "particles" could be created. It seems like this shouldn't be possible due to ...
codedude's user avatar
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2 answers

Can matter be created from energy? [duplicate]

The small, hot, dense early universe the size of an atom was made up entirely of energy, it wasn't until after the expansion began and the universe cooled down some of that energy began converting ...
baharini's user avatar
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1 answer

Does matter turning into energy, or vice versa, violate the Law of Conservation? [duplicate]

I'm new to physics. And I have curiously wondering about the relationship between matter and energy. From what I understand, one can create the other, but is it truly creating or just aiding in the ...
AJK432's user avatar
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3 answers

When does mass get converted into energy? [duplicate]

You know how energy is converted into mass in the sun, in particle accelerators and in nuclear bombs...Well mass gets converted into energy only in those situations (relativeley) and it doesn't happen ...
alienare 4422's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is it really possible to create some mass only from equivalent energy? [duplicate]

From Special theory of relativity we know that $E=m_0 c^2$, which says about mass energy equivalency. But my question : **Is there any real experiment where some mass is created purely from energy? **...
Rajesh Sardar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Application of $E = mc^2$ [duplicate]

We very well know that mass-energy equivalence is given by $E = mc^2$. My question however is how would we actually convert an object or some mass into its pure energy state and then if possible even ...
rahulgarg12342's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

When is energy converted to mass? What are the required conditions to do so? [duplicate]

I want to know whether every kind of energy is converted to mass like kinetic and potential energy? Is it only possible for particles like electrons and protons or even either for big objects like a ...
Arpit Bhardwaj's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

What decides that "it (mass energy) " is going to become mass or energy? [duplicate]

Mass and energy are two faces of one same thing. Energy and mass are not two but one( something) They can be related as : $$E = mc^2 $$ I want to ask that what decides that "something" is going to ...
Rana's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does mass change in to energy during a nuclear change?

I have been doing some research on nuclear changes and I have found that the energy released during a nuclear change comes from a minuscule amount of mass that is converted in to energy. After making ...
J Physics FM's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is the correlation between QFT and thermodynamics?

This may be a naive question. In physics many processes are symmetric, except a few involving entropy, or the arrow of time. Another one has to do with heat generation. We can generate heat, or energy ...
user's user avatar
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Why did it take a long time to discover top quark?

In high school physics, I learned that it took a long time before the top quark was discovered. One of the reasons that was given in my book was that the top quark has a large mass, much larger than ...
Eliza's user avatar
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2 answers

Why did the big bang need to produce equal amounts of matter and antimatter? [duplicate]

I've tried to find an answer for this but couldn't find one. Whats the problem with matter being created with little or no antimatter
Ray Kay's user avatar
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Can we make usable energy from subnuclear particles?

I understand mass and energy are the same, but in this question I will be talking about mass being turned into usable energy (electricity/heat/etc). We can make our energy through chemical reactions ...
Moo's user avatar
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Can matter be formed from nothing? [closed]

Well, I wanted to know whether matter can be created from nothing? Could matter be created in pure vacuum or does it require some energy? If energy is required, How is energy converted to matter? If ...
axelonet's user avatar
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5 answers

Why use a hadron collider to search for Higgs Boson

If, according to relativity matter is energy condensed, wouldn't breaking open the endless Matryoshka dolls of matter to find the most fundamental particle which gives mass to matter be fallacious? ...
musingsofacigarettesmokingman's user avatar

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