The problem is that the word energy is bandied around without clearly defining what it means, and in particular non-physicists tend to equate the word energy with the electricity that runs their iPhones.
In the context of elementary particles energy basically means kinetic energy i.e. energy of motion, and pretty much all you can do with this energy is use it to heat things. For example all sorts of complicated particle reactions are going on in nuclear power stations, but all we do with the resulting energy is heat water, turn it to steam and use it to drive turbines and generate electricity. If we ever get hydrogen fusion to work we'll probably just use this to boil water and generate electricity in the same way.
You ask:
Do we know any way to take the energy form an excited field of, lets say a quark and transfer it into the electron field?
and I'm guessing you're thinking of the discussion in What keeps mass from turning into energy?. What you describe is exactly what happens ever time we collide protons in the LHC. Quark-quark collisions excite lots of quantum fields, including electrons, and a huge shower of the created particles emerge from the collision. But the created electrons don't constitute electricity in the sense of the electricity you use at home. All the created electrons can be used for is to heat things.
Heating things is good of course, and the industrial revolution started with heating water by burning coal. A large fraction (two thirds?) of the electrical power you and I use every day is still generated by burning coal to heat water. Who knows what future nuclear fission and fusion have, but even in the best case scenarios I'm afraid we aren't going to be doing anything more glamorous than boiling water.