A precise calculation require additional information on the machine layout and optics in addition to the mere particle energy (see: http://pcwww.liv.ac.uk/~awolski/Teaching/USPAS/FortCollins/USPAS2013-DESDR-Lecture1.pdf)
Anyway consider that the emitted power $\displaystyle\propto \frac{E^4}{M^4 R}$ where $E$ and $M$ are respectively the kinetic energy and the rest mass of the particle being considered, and $R$ is the bending radius of the dipole magnets in the ring.
Since $M_p \approx 2000\,M_e$, if you would like to put protons in an existing electron ring and get the same amount of radiation, you will need to crank up the energy by a factor $2000$. You will be impinged by the maximum magnetic field achievable a long long way before hitting that energy. If you go for a larger ring radius then you will need to increase the energy even more.
For reference at the LHC, with $E=6.5~$TeV and $R=2800~$m you get a damping time of the order of ten hours, however the cooling effect is partially shadowed by intrabeam scattering (IBS) and other non-linear effects. Still the emitted radiation is enough to allow for a telescope (BSRT) to capture it giving a bunch-by-bunch transverse image of the beam.
That being said, synchrotron radiation is not the only mean to cool a beam. Stochastic cooling, electron cooling, laser cooling, ionization cooling (more effective with muons) are all possible viable methods to reduce the emittance of a proton beam.