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What's the highest-$n$ Rydberg state that's been created and detected experimentally?

Here is a paper from 2009 in which they go up to $n=700$: Engineering atomic Rydberg states with pulsed electric fields. FB Dunning et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 022001 (2009). That's ...
Harry Levine's user avatar
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How to explain the long lifetime of Rydberg atoms with Fermi golden rule?

Indeed the matrix element between an outer Rydberg state to a lower lying Rydberg state is much larger than the matrix element between the outer Rydberg state and the ground state. However, the decay ...
Harry Levine's user avatar
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Explanation of the Rydberg interaction hamiltonian and its controllability

There are many questions here so I will answer some more fully than others. This Hamiltonian comes from the atom-field interactions and atom-atom interactions. Consider that there are a bunch of atoms,...
Quantum Mechanic's user avatar
3 votes

Solving Young Sheldon's 100th episode vanity card

So let us assume, following the OP, that $x$ is the root of the Bessel function $J_0(x)$. This function has a lot of roots, but we choose the minimum positive one $x\approx 2.40483$. Let us follow the ...
akhmeteli's user avatar
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2 votes

Can the hydrogen Rydberg decay cascade be resolved into individual lines?

The decay probability from an upper state with principal quantum number $n$ to a lower state $m$ can for $n,m>>1$ be approximated by the formula $$A_{n,m} \approx 1.3\cdot 10^9\cdot (n-1)^{-3.2}\...
Thomas's user avatar
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Can the hydrogen Rydberg decay cascade be resolved into individual lines?

When talking about Rydberg states there are two important limits to the lifetime: the dipole coupling to ground states, and the dipole coupling to nearby Rydberg states. The latter is large in general ...
flevinBombastus's user avatar
2 votes

Schrodinger Equation of a Hydrogen Atom in a Rydberg State

I didn't understand the idea of 'since R and Y are independent of each other, they must be separately equal to ±λ.' How can we separate the two terms and how it is related to 'independent of each ...
Gert's user avatar
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Schrodinger Equation of a Hydrogen Atom in a Rydberg State

Given the equation you wrote we can rearrange the two terms as follows$$\frac{r^2}{R(r)}\left[\frac{\partial^2R(r)}{\partial r^2}+\frac{2}{r}\frac{\partial R(r)}{\partial r}+2\left(W+\frac{1}{r}\right)...
Davide Morgante's user avatar
1 vote

Why does a Rydberg atom increases the excitation energy threshold of its neighboring atoms?

The energy levels that you have written down come from a particular Hamiltonian, in which the potential energy is given by the Coulomb interaction between the nucleus (a single proton) and an electron ...
Quantum Mechanic's user avatar
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Solving Young Sheldon's 100th episode vanity card

This is how I solved it on 1 April. Here are the essential details: x = 2.4048 (the first zero crossing of an order zero Bessel function), y = 13.606 (the Rydberg unit of energy in eV) and z = 0.857 (...
Sol's user avatar
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What is the highest energy level an electron can reach and still tend to move to a lower state and still "belong" to the atom?

In principle, there is an infinite number of excited states where you can put an electron, whose energies approach the ionization potential to arbitrarily close distances, but which are still bound to ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
1 vote

Can the hydrogen Rydberg decay cascade be resolved into individual lines?

Great question, especially for Hydrogen where the structure is so simplified such the "nuclear mixing" effect is minimal. There are still something unclear in your original question, but I ...
RoderickLee's user avatar
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Why is the screening coefficient, $\sigma_K$, in Moseley's law only constant for high $Z$ and how can it be anything other than unity?

The screening idea can be understood by thinking about the total electric field in the atom, which is created by the nucleus and electrons together. The contribution from the nucleus is the familiar $...
Andrew Steane's user avatar
1 vote

How to understand the hydrogen energy level and its wave function?

In the above question, $n=2,3....$ doesn't imply that there is more than $1$ electron. In the above problem, $n$ represents the principal quantum number. It tells you in which state, is that one ...
Nakshatra Gangopadhay's user avatar
1 vote

What system has a spectral series in the radio spectrum?

Yes it is perfectly possible. Rydberg atoms are one example, transitions within the hyperfine structure are another. However, for something as small as an atom the strength of the signal (...
Andrew Steane's user avatar
1 vote

Understanding the following THz-to-optical conversion scheme

1- Yes the stimulated transition is from virtual level |u>-$\Delta$ to |f>. 2- Decay from |f> is just spontaneous emission. 3- Yes, within the cell, the THz field is reflected at both quartz ...
José Andrade's user avatar

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