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Chirality is defined through the ±1 eigenvalue under action of γ^5 on ψ, a Dirac field thus projected into its left- or right-handed component by the projection operators (1−γ^5)/2 or (1+γ^5)/2 on ψ. For massless particles (only!) chirality coincides with [helicity], a notion which is frame-dependent, and hence ambiguous for massive particles. Avoid using the [helicity] tag instead: the projectors *must* be implied.

2 votes

How a moving electron gets deflected in a magnetic field in on direction and the positron ge...

You are correct that this part of the question was not addressed, but you did not quote the context: If you have a coil in which you put some current, and the nature creates a magnetic field in a dir …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
0 votes

Aliens from antimatter region

I cannot see why the parity violation would establish right and left with respect to our right and left, as the whole forces setup will be reversed for them. If such a situation arose, i.e. we got el …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
0 votes

How can higher-energy beta decays have 'higher polarization'?

I am writing this as an answer so that it does not disappear: I have been searching to find a formula for polarization in weak interactions and have only managed to find this : V-A-interaction is the …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
1 vote

Left Handed / Right Handed Particles and the Weak Force

I want to emphasize that the need of assigning chirality to particles with spin , and thus splitting real ones to right and left handed, comes from the mathematical model. …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
3 votes

How do quarks interact with the Higgs field?

So chirality has nothing to do with the acquisition of mass from the quarks and the other fermions through the Higgs mechanism. … (In any case chirality is definite only for zero mass fermions , whether quarks or leptons.) …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
10 votes

Why do we care about chirality?

Therefore we say that the neutrino has an intrinsic chirality. "Chiral" is an adjective coming from the ancient greek word meaning "hand" (χείρ). …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
1 vote

If the universe was dominated by antimatter instead of matter, would we physically notice?

The cosmological models we have to model the observations of the universe and attempt to predict new data are mathematical and follow the logic of mathematics with the functional solutions of rigorous …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k
9 votes

Why does the Standard Model predict Neutrinos are massless?

I agree with the answer of Quantum physicist , that zero mass for neutrinos was an input to the standard model , not a prediction, because measurements showed a mass compatible with zero. But I will …
anna v's user avatar
  • 235k