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2 answers

Why is there sound aboard Concorde after it goes supersonic?

I recently saw a video from a passenger of Concorde after it goes supersonic. Inside the aircraft, there is still a loud roar similar to what we hear in aircraft today. However, since the aircraft is ...
user112167's user avatar
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How are shockwaves created if no particle goes around the wings at supersonic speed?

so,the title could be a bit misleading, let me elaborate: whenever studying aerodynamics, the explanation starts with considering the wing of a plane still, and the flow of air arriving from either ...
Mcola's user avatar
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Why don't CPU fans have the buzzsaw effect (as in planes), even when their blades spin faster than 5k RPM? [closed]

I saw my CPU fan using HWinfo spinning faster than 5k RPM, in which the buzzsaw effect starts in an A3xx plane. Why doesn't my CPU fan do the buzzsaw effect, even though it's spinning faster than 5k ...
s3246's user avatar
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Why is it a sonic "boom" and not a sonic "boooooooooooooooo...m"?

As I understand it, when an object pushes past the sound barrier, a sonic boom doesn't happen just once, but rather, continually (correct me if I'm wrong). So why is it that there seems to be only a ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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Why an aircraft or a ship produce pressure waves both in front and behind them?

I think it is obvious why a pressure wave is produced in front of a moving object but why the rear of it should produce a wave?
veronika's user avatar
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How do you explain the formation of shockwave on the wing surface during near sonic flight?

Explanations of shockwave for the common folks (youtube videos, googling) all tend to focus on successive sound waves generated by the air craft traveling outward in circles (sphere). That to me, ...
eliu's user avatar
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Sonic Boom in Aircraft and Spacecraft

I would like to know why aircraft, and spacecraft produce a double sonic boom on breaking the sound barrier. A while ago, I thought I got it, as there’s a start and finish point to every vehicle. ...
Anonymous's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Can you "rewind" sound messages by going supersonic? [duplicate]

I was having a discussion with a friend about supersonic flights. It was then when he proposed an idea on an interesting experiment that can be done during a supersonic flight. The experiment goes ...
AlphaLife's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do vapour cones form around jet fighters?

Apparently this phenomenon has nothing to do with jets breaking the sound barrier and has something to do with the Prandtl-Glauert singularity as described on Wikipedia. But, the Wikipedia article isn'...
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3 votes
2 answers

Speed of sound and Break the sound barrier [duplicate]

What happens when plane exceeds the speed of sound? and What is the interpretation of the conical shape that appears behind the plane?
A.khalaf's user avatar
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