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1 answer

Where can I read about excitons?

I'm having a tough time finding a good reference for excitons. I know next to nothing about them, and I'd like to find a good book/paper/notes that would introduce it in a slow, pedagogical way. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Resource recommendation for time-dependent DMRG

I am looking for any references (journal article/ review /tutorial) to understand the TEBD (Time-evolution by block decimation) algorithm and code it up for a simple 1D model system. Broadly, I am ...
1 vote
1 answer

What are the prerequisites to learn Spintronics?

I am interested in Spintronics and recently started reading Spintronics' articles. I found that there are a lot of terms that I don't understand in those papers, for example, Spin Transfer Torque, LLG ...
1 vote
1 answer

Books on Condensed Matter after reading Messiah's Quantum Mechanics

What are some good books on Condensed Matter physics that will be accessible after reading Messiah (both volumes)? With no prior background in Condensed Matter, and that explain concepts in an ...
3 votes
1 answer

Software for matrix-product state calculations

Which software packages exist to either numerically or analytically do matrix-product state calculations? (Such as finding the ground state, time evolution, bond decimation, symmetries..) Which are ...
1 vote
0 answers

How should I self-study condensed matter in many-body quantum systems? [closed]

I am a computer scientist that has been doing research on quantum computing and tensor networks for a couple of years. I have a strong understanding of the math and multilinear algebra underlying ...
12 votes
4 answers

Book recommendations - Topological Insulators for dummies

Is there a pedagogical explanation of what is a topological insulator for those that do not even know what the Berry phase is but have a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and solid state ...
0 votes
1 answer

Elementary introduction to (quantum) hall effect

Where can I find an elementary introduction to classical and quantum hall effect? Only physics I know is some basic quantum mechanics, EM and statistical physics. My goal eventually is to understand ...
5 votes
0 answers

Reference guide for standard descriptions of materials

Is there any reference that has a coherent list of materials and what type of approximate Hamiltonian to best describe them with (where it is known). Particularily I am looking for the following bits ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reference for Bethe Ansatz solution of 1D spinless Hubbard model

I want to numerically solve 1D spinless Hubbard model using Bethe Ansatz. Can you provide me some online references for that.
16 votes
3 answers

Introduction to Anderson localization

I find Anderson's original paper too terse. I am looking for something that introduces me gently to the subject so that I can understand Anderson's paper and other literature. What references are out ...