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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Reference guide for standard descriptions of materials

Is there any reference that has a coherent list of materials and what type of approximate Hamiltonian to best describe them with (where it is known). Particularily I am looking for the following bits ...
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Resource recommendation for time-dependent DMRG

I am looking for any references (journal article/ review /tutorial) to understand the TEBD (Time-evolution by block decimation) algorithm and code it up for a simple 1D model system. Broadly, I am ...
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1 answer

What are the prerequisites to learn Spintronics?

I am interested in Spintronics and recently started reading Spintronics' articles. I found that there are a lot of terms that I don't understand in those papers, for example, Spin Transfer Torque, LLG ...
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Reference for Bethe Ansatz solution of 1D spinless Hubbard model

I want to numerically solve 1D spinless Hubbard model using Bethe Ansatz. Can you provide me some online references for that.