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Free Will Theorem question

The Kochen-Specker Theorem says, if I understand it correctly, that the results of spin measurements cannot be predetermined independent of measurement. They get to this conclusion by describing 33 ...
user39939's user avatar
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Are all instances of quantum non-locality problem artifacts of the use of classical concepts in quantum physics?

Consider experiments involving entangled spins, say two-spin 1/2 particles in the singlet state: $$\left|\psi\right> =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\left|\uparrow\downarrow\right> - \left|\downarrow\...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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How to imagine wavefunction branching?

This is a question particularly geared toward the Many Worlds interpretation, but I think it could be translated to other approaches as well. I am not sure I understand exactly what sort of events ...
Jeff Bass's user avatar
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Are there known paradoxes regarding a detector that was, before use, entangled with a particle it detects?

Is it possible to design a system where a detector is entangled with the particle state it detects (before it is detected), and to create a paradox from this? Upon observance of a state by the ...
buddhabrot's user avatar
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Why would the classical (local) correlation in Bell's experiment rule out the cosine of the angle?

This question expands on a specific detail of this previous question: Why would classical correlation in Bell's experiment be a linear function of angle? I would have commented on/answered that ...
Adam322's user avatar
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Scan Quantum mechanics: Status of current research

I recently stumbled on a new interpretation of Quantum mechanics, called Scan Quantum Mechanics, given by Beatriz Gato-Rivera. She suggests a quantity called quantum inertia, which divides the ...
user35952's user avatar
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Justification for "which path" inference in Hardy's paradox?

I'm going over Hardy's paradox again recently and whenever I try to think about it I always get confused with the classical part of the analysis. Just as a brief summary, the setup of the paradox is ...
Daniel Kerr's user avatar
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What are the best resources to master Quantum Entanglement?

I am reading Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai for my semester. I read about the Quantum Entanglement, Bell Inequality and Hidden Variables theory, EPR Paradox etc. and got fascinated. I just wanna ...
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Why is the wavefunction not a hidden variable?

Consider the following standard case of an entanglement experiment: We prepared two electrons A and B with states $$\lvert A\rangle=a_1\lvert \uparrow\rangle+a_2\lvert \downarrow\rangle$$ $$\lvert B\...
Secret's user avatar
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