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Functional derivative commutes with total derivative

I have a question about a rule from the calculus of variations. Assume we consider the space of differentiable functions on $C^1(\mathbb{R})$ (or for the sake of simplicity the smooth functions $C^{\...
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15 votes
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What is the relation between (physicists) functional derivatives and Fréchet derivatives

I´m wondering how can one get to the definition of Functional Derivative found on most Quantum Field Theory books: $$\frac{\delta F[f(x)]}{\delta f(y) } = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \frac{F[f(x)+\...
Forever_a_Newcomer's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

The derivation of fractional equations

Recently I saw some physical problems that can be modeled by equations with fractional derivatives, and I had some doubts: is it possible to write an action that results in an equation with fractional ...
gsAllan's user avatar
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