Linked Questions

6 votes
5 answers

How does electricity produce magnetisim? [duplicate]

I am in class 10 and I have just read the electromagnetism chapter. They always keep on saying that electricity produces magnetism! but how!? We know electrons move, but how do they produce something ...
Aaryan Dewan's user avatar
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Why are magnetic fields only produced by moving charges? [duplicate]

Why do charged particles only produce magnetic fields while in motion?
APARAJITA's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why is the magnetic field created? [duplicate]

From Oersted experiment we know " When an electric current is passed through a conducting wire, a magnetic field is produced around it." An electric current is a flow of electric charge or electron. ...
Mohammad Mizanur Rahaman's user avatar
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What causes the magnetic field around a wire? [duplicate]

According to maxwell’s equations, a magnetic field is caused by a changing electric field, but where is this changing electric field in the context of a current carrying conductor that has an induced ...
Bálint Tatai's user avatar
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Why magnetic field applies force on a moving charge? [duplicate]

Like every object applies gravitational force to every other object. The reason can be in the General Theory of Relativity. In the same way why magnetic field applies force on moving charge (and why ...
user161158's user avatar
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Why magnetic forces MUST exist besides electric forces? [duplicate]

The discovery of electric forces resultet in the discovery of the force mediated by the electric field $\vec{E}$ (this is $\vec{F} = e \vec{E}$) at first. But later, it was observed that charges also ...
kryomaxim's user avatar
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Atomic explanation of magnetic field [duplicate]

We all know how an electric current causes magnetic fields. But when a single electron is flowing through the wire, how is this electron creating the magnetic field or how are electrons responsible ...
Allen Titan's user avatar
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Is a magnetic field just a moving charge? [duplicate]

I am trying to understand electromagnetism. I would like to pare myself down to the minimum number of necessary concepts. From my physics education (high school only), I understand that a moving ...
Benjohn's user avatar
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Why a charge moving generates magnetic field? [duplicate]

I don't have any illustrations of this, but is there any interpretation from quantum field theory, typically to counter why a moving charge generates a magnetic field, i.e. where does the magnetic ...
Venkatesa M.G.'s user avatar
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Is magnetic field a consequence of electric field? [duplicate]

We know that magnetic field is produced by a current carrying wire with time varying current? My doubt is that- do the electrons in motion cause the magnetic field or is it due to some another reason?
Arnav Mahajan's user avatar
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How does a moving charge produce a magnetic field? In AC, charges are accelerating but they are possessing magnetic field also [duplicate]

I am unable to understand that how the moving charge produces magnetic field around itself. Some one has answered that any moving charge is without acceleration due to which it produce electric and ...
angela khan's user avatar
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How does the magnetic field of an electron compare to the magnetic field produced by a bar magnet? [duplicate]

We are currently studying Moving charges and magnetism in school and we learned that moving charges produce magnetic field and that magnetic dipole moments also produce it.However, magnetic monopoles ...
Maaz's user avatar
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When a charge starts moving, does it's electric field change into magnetic field? [duplicate]

If the electric field does change into magnetic field, how does it happen? And if it doesn't happen, then what happens to the electric field?
user220500's user avatar
127 votes
13 answers

Can Maxwell's equations be derived from Coulomb's Law and Special Relativity?

As an exercise I sat down and derived the magnetic field produced by moving charges for a few contrived situations. I started out with Coulomb's Law and Special Relativity. For example, I derived the ...
user1247's user avatar
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How and why do accelerating charges radiate electromagnetic radiation?

Let's consider it case by case: Case 1: Charged particle is at rest. It has an electric field around it. No problem. That is its property. Case 2: Charged particle started moving (it's accelerating)....
claws's user avatar
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