Linked Questions

5 votes
2 answers

How do gravitons and curved space time work together? [duplicate]

I've heard two different descriptions of gravity, and I'm wondering how they work together. The first is Gravitons: "The three other known forces of nature are mediated by elementary particles: ...
NictraSavios's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why are gravitons needed to explain gravitational attraction in quantum gravity? [duplicate]

I've read and heard multiple times that gravity can't be explained by the current understandings of quantum physics. Wikipedia's Gravity entry briefly explains the incompatibility between general ...
Gabe12's user avatar
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How is it possible for a graviton to drag time frames and dilate time? [duplicate]

I understand how a gauge boson can create a field that looks like gravity, but how can a force carrying particle explain the draggin of time frames or the dilation of time? That is, if a graviton ...
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Gravity and graviton [duplicate]

If gravity is merely a consequence of massive bodies and the curvature of spacetime, why do we believe a graviton should exist in order to transmit gravitational forces.
anjali's user avatar
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The theater, the actors and the 'graviton' [duplicate]

In my perception of the universe, there's the theater which is the 'spacetime' and the actors meaning the 'particles'. If i got it right, GR claims that the 'actors' effect the 'theatre' by 'bending' ...
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15 votes
8 answers

What is the true nature of gravity? [closed]

In 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton gave us the universal law of gravitation which stated that gravity is an inverse square force. In 1915, Albert Einstein recognised gravity as a curvature of space-...
Spandan Kundu's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Are gravitons bound by the event horizon? [duplicate]

I understand that photons, even when traveling at the speed of light, cannot escape the event horizon of a black hole. Are gravitons and other virtual particles traveling at the speed of light also ...
Alekxos's user avatar
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What do gravitons interact with?

The other three forces' mediating particles (photons etc.) are absorbed by their appropriate charge-carrying particles, but I can't seem to find a clear answer that applies to the gravitational force ...
Andersi2's user avatar
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6 votes
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General relativity without curvature?

Is there a reformulation of general relativity without curved space time, just with fields (like classical E&M)? Edit: removed the part about E&M with curvature (multiple posts).
DinoRAWWR's user avatar
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How can particles account for the curvature of spacetime?

Classical General Relativity rests on the idea that what we call gravity actually is one property of spacetime itself. The matter distribution determines the metric by means of the Einstein field ...
Gold's user avatar
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How do Graviton-based theories of gravity explain the expansion of the universe?

In General Relativity, the expansion of the universe is modeled using the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, and the expansion itself is a metric expansion by which the scale of space itself ...
Thatpotatoisaspy's user avatar