Let's assume I have a harmonic oscillator which is one dimensional. What is my plan is to work the the two electron's spin states and my requirement is that they have to be in the triplet sates.
Lets also consider that wave function which is $\Psi (r_1,r_2) \ \chi(1,2)$
If the radial wave function is antisymmetric, the spin part has to be symmetric to have two electron triplet states under the given conditions.
There are three possible values of $m_z$ (1,0,-1) in the triplet states which are symmetric spin states. But if I asked to write down, how would be the spin state of the total function?
Is it going to be something like this:
$$\chi(1,2) = a |{\uparrow \uparrow} \rangle + b |{\downarrow \downarrow} \rangle+ c \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Big(|{\uparrow \downarrow} \rangle + |{\uparrow \downarrow}\rangle\Big)$$
The reason I did this because I thought all the spin states could be possible.