The first diagram represents the process of a $B$ meson and a $\phi$ meson interacting to form an $\Upsilon$ meson and a $K$ meson.
In terms of the constituent quarks, this process is
$$ b \bar{u} + s \bar{s} \to b \bar{b} + s \bar{u} \,,$$
where the overbar denotes antiparticle. There are many diagrams that lead to this process. We can leave the $b$ and $s$ untouched, if we can find a way to convert $\bar{u}$, $\bar{s}$ to $\bar{b}$, $\bar{u}$. This so-called flavour-changing process can only occur through exchange of a $W$ boson. In exchanging a $W$ boson, the $\bar{u}$ changes to a $\bar{b}$ and the $\bar{s}$ to a $\bar{u}$. These then exchange places in the diagram shown, but they shouldn't. Label the diagram with the quarks to convince yourself of this.
The second diagram represents the process of a $\Sigma$ baryon and a $K$ meson interacting to form a $\Xi$ baryon and a $D$ meson.
In terms of the constituent quarks, this process is
$$uus + s \bar{d} \to uss + c\bar{d} \,. $$
Again, there are many diagrams corresponding to this process. We can leave the $u$, $s$ and $\bar{d}$ untouched, if we can find a way to convert $u$, $s$ to $s$, $c$. Again, this can only occur through exchange of a $W$ boson, and in doing so, $u$ changes to $s$ and $s$ changes to $c$. However, $u$ and $s$ cannot annihilate into a $W$ boson as shown in the diagram – for instance, the electric charges do not add up. Indeed, a backwards pointing arrow in a Feynman diagram typically indicates an antiparticle, which suggests that it is the $\bar{d}$ annihilating with a quark from the $\Sigma$ baryon, not the $s$. But this leaves the $s$ of the $K$ meson to become a constituent of the $D$ meson, which does not make sense, on account that $D^+ = c\bar{d}$.
Conclusion: both of these processes are physically allowed, but the diagrams representing them are flawed. In principle, if the diagrams were drawn correctly, we could use the rules of quantum field theory to calculate the probability amplitudes corresponding to them, as you wish, but these would depend on parameters such as the energy the particles were collided at, and wouldn't yield pure numbers. I suspect you're looking for something less technical.