I have a question about how a lock-in amplifier works. This is a picture with german tags; I'll translate very quick:
Bandpaßfilter: bandpass filter
Phasenverschieber: phase "shifter"
Mischer: mixer
Tiefpaßfilter: low pass filter
I dont really understand what the purpose of the lowpass filter is.
The mixer creates the cross-correlation between the both signals, where $U_{sig}$ is the incoming (noisy) signal and $U_{ref}$ is the reference signal which phase can be changed with the 'phase-shifter'.
My confusion:
I read that the cross correlation is ZERO for non-equal frequencies. When $U_{sig}$ is a signal with a more or less wide spectrum of frequencies and $U_{ref}$ a (more or less) monofrequent signal, will the mixer already filter the adjusted frequency $U_{ref}$ from the signal-frequency? If so:
What frequencies are cut off by the lowpass-filter?
I really would appreciate some explanations about the lock-in-amplifier. Thank you in advance.