The reflexion co-efficient equation you have given is part of the Fresnel Equations. There are two ways wherein this equation varies with frequency: ultimately both down to the variation of the refractive indices $n_1$ and $n_2$ with frequency. Clearly the equation you have written can vary with frequency if $n_1$ and $n_2$ do so: also $\theta_2$ does because this is governed by Snell's law $n_2\,\sin\theta_2 = n_1\,\sin\theta_1$. So you're full variation is:
$$\Gamma(f,\,\theta_1) = \frac{n_2(f) \cos(\theta_1) -n_1(f) \cos\left(\arcsin\left(\frac{n_1(f)}{n_2(f)}\sin\theta_1\right)\right)}{n_2(f) \cos(\theta_1) + n_1(f) \cos\left(\arcsin\left(\frac{n_1(f)}{n_2(f)}\sin\theta_1\right)\right)}=\frac{n_2(f)^2 \cos(\theta_1) -n_1(f) \sqrt{n_2(f)^2-n_1(f)^2\sin\theta_1^2}}{n_2(f)^2 \cos(\theta_1) +n_1(f) \sqrt{n_2(f)^2-n_1(f)^2\sin\theta_1^2}}$$
Note that $\Gamma$ is a function of both $f$ and $\theta_1$: if there is only one interface, then of course $\theta_1$ will be fixed with frequency (it's set by how you aim the beam at the interface. But if there are many interfaces, the incidence angle on each will be set by the refracted transmission angle from the former interface in the stack, so it will then also vary with frequency.