Main question
Schur's lemma says: $$D(g) A = A D(g) \Rightarrow A = \lambda I\tag{1}$$ if $D$ is irreducible. How can I use this to show that if $D$ is reducible and if $SDS^{-1}$ is a direct sum of irreducible representations, then: $$SAS^{-1} = \lambda_1 I_{d_1} \oplus ... \oplus \lambda_n I_{d_n}?\tag{2}$$
What I understand
I want to understand a consequence of Schur's lemma as discussed in Anthony Zee's Group Theory book. In this book, the general theory of representations is avoided (rings, etc.), so answers that avoid this would be helpful.
On page 102, he discusses Schur's lemma. I'll provide the statement of the theorem (paraphrased) to show the sorts of technical terms that are avoided: If D(g) where $g \in G$ is a set of matrices representing group G, and furthermore D is an irreducible representation, then $D(g) A = A D(g)$ for all $g \in G$ implies $A = \lambda I$ for some number $\lambda$.
So far so good.
What I do not understand
At the end of this discussion, he says that if $D$ is reducible, so $D$ is block diagonal, and then in that basis $H$ is also block diagonal. Why?
I know that in some basis, $SDS^{-1}$ is block diagonal because it is a sum of reducible representations. However, we are loking at $WDW^\dagger$, where $W$ is unrelated to $S$ because $W$ diagonalizes $H$.
More details
The problem is that if I follow through the proof of the theorem where $D$ is a direct sum of irreducible representations:
- We can take $A$ to be Hermitian, call it $H$.
- We can diagonalize $H$ to get $H' = WHW^\dagger$.
- Using the same basis, we get $D' = WDW^\dagger$.
Now we have $D'(g)A' = A'D'(g)$. And the rest of the argument shows that if $D'$ is block diagonal, then in that basis $H'$ is also block diagonal ($H'$ is also diagonal because of step 2). But why is $D'$ block diagonal?
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