I was recently introduced to the concept of compatible and incompatible observables and specifically the generalized uncertainty principle, which is written in my textbook as:
$$ \sigma_A^2\sigma_B^2 \geq \left(\frac{1}{2i} \langle [A, B] \rangle \right)^2 $$
where $A$ and $B$ are some observables. If $A$ and $B$ do not commute then they cannot have a complete set of common eigenfunctions and this is given as an exercise to prove in my textbook. My question is can they even share a single eigenvector?
If the wavefunction points along the common eigenvector, wouldn't both standard deviations be equal to zero and the equation not be satisfied, as the left-hand side of the inequality would be equal to zero, and the right side would be a positive number (as the operators don't commute). But my textbook seems to imply that non-commuting operators can share an eigenvector.