I'm using D.J. Griffiths's Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (3rd. ed), reading about the angular momentum operators $\mathbf L=(L_x,L_y,L_z)$ and $L^2$ in chapter 4. The author discusses eigenfunctions $f$ that are specifically eigenfunctions of both $L^2$ and $L_z$:
$$L^2f = \lambda f\qquad\qquad\qquad L_zf = \mu f$$
The fact that $f$ can be an eigenfunction of both follows from $[L^2,L_z]=0$: $L^2$ and $L_z$ commute and are thus compatible, meaning that measuring the one brings the system into an eigenstate of itself and also the other.
After a discussion involving the transformation of the angular momentum operators to spherical coordinates, the author writes at the end:
"Conclusion: Spherical harmonics are the eigenfunctions of $L^2$ and $L_z$." (emphasis his)
Now, I'm worried that this is only partially true, and that it should really be "Spherical harmonics are shared eigenfunctions of $L^2$ and $L_z$", not blatantly "the eigenfunctions", since we assumed during the derivation that $f$ was an eigenfunction of both operators. What about the other eigenfunctions?
That's not too bad, I thought at first: now that we neatly know the properties of the shared eigenfunctions, can't we just write the remaining eigenfunctions as a linear combination of the shared eigenfunctions to analyse their properties as well? The answer seems to be no, on second thought, since in chapter 3 of the same textbook, the following was posed as a derivable theorem:
$$\textrm{incompatible observables $A$ and $B$ do not have a complete set of shared eigenfunctions}$$
equivalent to either of the following statements:
$$[A,B]\neq0 \Rightarrow \textrm{$A$ and $B$ do not have a complete set of shared eigenfunctions}$$ $$\textrm{$A$ and $B$ have a complete set of shared eigenfunctions} \Rightarrow [A,B]=0$$
That means that we can't necessarily write the remaining eigenfunctions of $L^2$ and $L_z$ as linear combinations of the shared ones, because the arrow points the wrong way for it to definitely be possible.
Researching the theorem's content, I came across two threads that stated something about this:
This thread says: "Let's start with only 2: operators $A$ and $B$. If $[A,B]=0$, there is at least one orthonormal basis of common eigenvectors."
This thread seems to make a stronger assertion: "(...) compatible operators are guaranteed only to have the same eigenvectors, not the same eigenvalues."
So, after all, maybe we can analyse the eigenfunctions of both that aren't shared, but I have no proof that this is possible. To converge onto a question, I'm wondering:
- Is the $\Rightarrow$ in the given theorem generalisable to a $\Leftrightarrow$?
- This would justify that the author only discuss the shared eigenfunctions.
- In a stronger fashion, do compatible observables even have eigenfunctions that they don't share in the first place? If that's true, what if a measurement is made and such an eigenfunction is gained - are the observables then suddenly incompatible?
- If this is not true, then I feel the author is justified in claiming that the spherical harmonics are indeed the eigenfunctions of $L^2$ and $L_z$, since they are shared.