Under geostrophic balance, one can write
$$\frac{V^2}{R}+fV-fV_g=0$$ where $V:$wind speed, $V_g:$ geostrophic wind speed, $f:$ Coriolis parameter, and $R:$ radius of curvature.
Solving for $V$, we can get a relationship between $V$ and $V_g$ as $$V=-\frac{fR}{2}\pm\frac{\sqrt{f^2R^2+4fRV_g}}{2}$$
How does one then determine when to use $\pm$ for cyclonic and anti-cyclonic flows?
I was able to find a solution from these slides 40-41 and I am also aware that the $R$ can be positive and negative, and plays a part in being physically meaningful as seen here. However, I fail to understand why and how the $\pm$ signs come into play. To be clear, I am referring to the $\pm$ between the two terms on the RHS.