This notation can be found on page 254 of Victor Stenger's Comprehensible Cosmos and in David Tong's Lectures on QFT (Equation 2.4, and in
EDIT: on page 254 of Stenger's Comprehensible Cosmos, the Lagrangian is written with a ${\partial^i}{\partial_i\phi}$ instead of the usual ${\partial^i {\phi}}{\partial_i{\phi}}$ (that David Tong uses).
Why is ${\partial^i}{\partial_i\phi}$ = ${\partial^i {\phi}}{\partial_i{\phi}}$ in QFT ? This fact is used to calculate the Lagrange Equations of Motion (The Klein Gordon Equation) from the Lagrange Density for a Scalar Field.
This clearly isn't true for elementary functions like $y^2$ because ${\partial_y}{\partial_y\ ({y^2})}$ =/= $ {\partial_y {y^2}}{\partial_y{y^2}}$