You question begins
An electromagnetic wave is made of an electric wave and a magnetic wave, so 2 waves.
and asks “How many waves for a particle wave?”
However, I think it’s important to realize that “there are two waves” is just one model of the electromagnetic field, and it’s not necessarily the best one. For one thing, electric field $\vec E$ and magnetic field $\vec B$ are both three-dimensional vectors, so you might say more accurately than an electromagnetic wave is six waves: three for $E_x, E_y, E_z$, and three for $B_x, B_y, B_z$. But that’s actually too many degrees of freedom, because $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ are related to each other by Maxwell’s equations. Another way to describe electromagnetic fields and their waves is to introduce the four-potential,
$$ A_\mu = (\phi, \vec A)
and the antisymmetric field tensor
$$ F_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu A_\mu - \partial_\nu A_\mu
Here $\phi$ is the electrostatic potential whose gradient is $\vec E$, and $\vec A$ is the vector potential whose curl is $\vec B$. The six independent and nonzero components of $F_{\mu\nu}$ are the six components of the electric and magnetic vector fields. The Maxwell equations arise when one applies the Euler-Lagrange method to the Lagrangian density
$$ \mathcal L = -\frac1{4\mu_0} F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} - J^\mu A_\mu
So if there aren’t any charges or currents around ($J^\mu = 0$), you can describe an electromagnetic wave using just the four parameters $A_\mu$. Maybe it’s better to say that an electromagnetic wave is four waves, since $A_\mu$ has four components. And it turns out this is pretty close to the way people describe photon behavior in quantum field theory. The complicated sum of derivatives $F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu}$ describes the “free field”; the term $J^\mu A_\mu$ is the “interaction term” which couples the “photon field” $A_\mu$ to charges and currents represented by the four-current $J_\mu$.
But it’s not really the case that the oscillations of the $A_\mu$ describe four independent waves, where you can change one without affecting the others. If you do a fair amount of work (more than will fit in this answer) you can show that the four $A_\mu$ can describe two independent waves, which we observe experimentally in electromagnetic waves as “polarization states.” However in the $\vec E, \vec B$ language it’s more parsimonious to talk about polarization in the linear basis, while from the QED direction there is an important connection between the circular polarization basis and the angular momentum of the photon. Furthermore the reason that there are two independent polarizations in electromagnetism, rather than more, arises in a sneaky way from the fact that the photon field $A_\mu$ is massless.
So whether wavelike oscillations in your photon field are described as having two degrees of freedom (in one of the polarization bases) or four (in the $A_\mu$ language) or six (in the $\vec E, \vec B$ language) or perhaps three (because $\vec B$ can be deduced from $\vec E$, if you’re willing to make some assumptions) or just one (because all of the components in the four-potential $A_\mu$ are required to construct an object which is invariant under Lorentz transformations): any of these possibilities could be “correct” under the right circumstances. It’s not a question with a straightforward answer.
You have a similar circumstance talking about matter waves. For an electron you have a complex wavefunction — is an oscillation in complex field a “wave” in one complex number, or in two real ones? Then you discover that you actually have coupled complex probabilities for the two electron spin states. Then you follow Dirac’s argument about Lorentz symmetry and discover that you actually have four coupled waves in the “electron field,” two spin states with negative charge and two with positive charge. The number of degrees of freedom depends on what problem you are trying to solve and how careful you’re being about it.