This is probably a silly question, and likely reflects a poor understanding, in general, of electromagnetic radiation, but here goes anyway:
I have encountered two equations that I am struggling to unite into a unified concept, in the context electromagnetic radiation.
The first equation is the Planck-Einstein Relationship:
$$E=h\nu,$$ where $E$ is energy, $h$ is Planck's constant, and $\nu$ is the frequency of the photon.
The second equation is the average intensity of an electromagnetic wave $I_{\text{avg}}$:
$$I_{\text{avg}}=\frac{E_0 B_0}{2\mu_0}$$ where $E_0$ is the maximum electric field strength, $B_0$ is the maximum magnetic field strength, and $\mu_0$ is the permeability of free space.
Intensity, $I$, has units of energy per time per unit area (or, joules per second per meter$^2$).
Now, from what I understand, the first equation describes how much energy an incoming photon has at a particular frequency. I believe electromagnetic radiation propagates through space as a photon. Therefore, somewhere embedded within the $I_{\text{avg}}$ equation should be the energy of a photon, right?
So, here is my confusion. I work with MRIs and generate radiofrequency pulses in the $250\text{ MHz}$ range in order to carry out my experiments.
I was under the impression that the "$250\text{ MHz}$" referred to the frequency at which the electric field and magnetic fields oscillate. How does this number relate to the $\nu$ in the Planck-Einstein Relationship? Does $\nu = 250\text{ MHz}$ ? i.e. is the photon's frequency the same thing as the electric and magnetic fields' oscillations?
Further, it seems like there must be two components that contribute to the energy of an electromagnetic wave. Firstly, the frequency of the oscillation. But secondly, the amplitude of the electric field and magnetic field. In the $I_{\text{avg}}$ equation, these two amplitude terms are being considered in the form of $E_0$ and $B_0$. However, I do not see where the frequency of the fields' oscillations is coming into play.
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated! Cheers~