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bandybabboon's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
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  • France
the rebound speed of silicone
Hey, that's so interesting, thank you very much indeed. I'm going to find out loads of stuff over time and hopefully one day can can return with measurements as you suggest.
the rebound speed of silicone
Hi yes thanks, i will read all of that!!! The permanent set is called "compression set" in the industry, silicones that are used for industrial o-rings have the best compression set measurements rated at 7% loss compared to initial shape. The companies i read seemed to imply that compressed use of a silicone is 5-10 years before reaching a stated percentage of deformation. My question is mostly to know the celerity at which a rebound occurs when the silicone is fresh, in the first years prior to it losing some elasticity. thankyou!
Is near light speed travel possible? Likely?
it;s a cool topic, and it surely has received milliosn of hours of study by scientists, and there are many pages on the subject online, and probably technical terms... hum.. let me see... serchy searchy...
Why can't the human voice produce a Shepard tone?
RedSonja that's cool. it's similar to a tibetan trantric song. I haven't managed to find some info on the anatomy of that vocal technique if it's from the nose or the throat. it's polyphinic with 2 voices. You can do the same easily by whistling and singing at the same time. 12 human voices could definitely generate a cool shepard tone effect. most interesting voice boxes are that of birds which are as fascinating and versatile as the feathers.
Why can't the human voice produce a Shepard tone?
deleted 390 characters in body
Why does wet skin offer less resistance?
deleted 8 characters in body
Why are agglomerated gold nanoparticles black?
you could be forming anisotropic shapes, There is quite a lot of work on this topic. One interpretation is the formation of gold "nonowires" in the early stage of the reduction (grey-blue color) from which the gold nanoparticles are generated: B. K. Pong, H. I. Elim, J. X. Chong, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 17, 6281.…
How to relate heat build up in an open pipe to sound frequency and specific heat capacity of the pipe's material.
Ross is right you would have to do some comparison tests by measuring the performance with cold air, perhaps by biting an ice cube first, and objectively by using mechanical lungs that send the same breath of cold air for every measurement. You may find it interesting to use freeware to see various wigner ville and fourrier graphs and harmonics distributions from the microphone.
What does singularity mean in the context of black holes?
It's a function of the speed of collapse versus the size of the BH. the initial BH is genuine BH that would evaporate in a nanosecond, and it is constantly being filled with a barrage of matter which crosses the event horizon, which makes the BH durable and more considerable in our view than a small one. All BH's are theoretically the same during their formation excepting theories of non rotating ones... the question you ask is a function of the theoretical extent of the singularity being infinitely small versus the theorized point at which the matter stops falling, both unresolved concepts.
Can many universes exist inside black holes?
Time stops at the surface of the black hole, and yet sequences of events occur inside the black hole, so our universe is split at the boundary, and an entirely exotic time exists inside, and we would be unreasonable to say that there isn't a gradient of radius within the black hole which will have different physical properties and therefore layers, so i don't agree with your presumption regarding there not being layers, it's unrealistic. if you say that matter approache the singularity you say that the waves will be superimposed together at different proximities unless particles become static.
Can many universes exist inside black holes?
if you divide an irrational number with whole numbers or irrational numbers into slices, you just get a huge array of different irrational numbers, created from the original numbers, and confining waves causes the irrational the number PI and other irrationals to interact at very high frequencies, so making waves interact more generates complexity as a function of the volume of confinement.
Can many universes exist inside black holes?
Confine some waves in a smaller space and their paths cross more often and at more complex angles and in a smaller amount of time. Make two waves in a football sized wave-tank and their paths will cross at simple angles, you can will simple interpretable patterns in the water for minutes until it becomes chaos, make the same wave in a table tennis sized tank and the waves will encounter reflections of reflections of interactions with each other very fast and it will become chaos in a few seconds. it's the same principle in all trigonometry and a result of irrationals and squaring circles.
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