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Mike Serfas's user avatar
Mike Serfas's user avatar
Mike Serfas
  • Member for 4 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

How would one generate Brownian light? What would it look like?

2 votes

Nernst equation and very diluted solutions

1 vote

Is the integral of temperature over time useful?

1 vote

Why is electric field inside a conductor non-zero even if there is point charge placed inside it?

1 vote

Why consider only $x$ component of accelerating block pulled by cord at an angle?

1 vote

If the energy of the photon is conserved along a geodesic why is it redshifted

1 vote

Confusion regarding Gibbs' paradox

0 votes

Intuitively, why does removing solutes cost $k_B T$ of free energy per molecule?

0 votes

Relation between entropy and information

0 votes

Interpretation of Velocity as a time derivative of position