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Mihai B.'s user avatar
Mihai B.
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

What are good books for special relativity?

5 votes

Charged particle as observed from an inertial and a non-inertial frame of reference

3 votes

Physical meaning of the Einstein tensor

3 votes

Mass of light and $m(v) = m_0/\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}$

3 votes

Charging by friction

3 votes

Einstein field equations (EFE) $N$-body simulator

2 votes

Can two electromagnetic fields from different types of sources exist in the same space?

2 votes

Why don't solar panels eventually reach electrical charge equilibrium?

1 vote

How would magnetic fields/electromagnetism interact with a wormhole?

1 vote

Relativistic 2-body problem with instantaneous Colomb force

1 vote

Losses occurring in solar cells

1 vote

How to induce artificial gravity?

1 vote

How can I calculate the relative permeability of iron?

1 vote

Electromagnetic black hole?

1 vote

How electricity discovered before discovery of electron?

0 votes

Does a non-relativistic treatment of a moving charged particle violate conservation of energy?

0 votes

From where does gravity get its energy to do work upon an object?

0 votes

How do scientists entangle photons?

0 votes

This spinning solar cell advertises a 20x efficiency improvement. How?

0 votes

Why is $g(v,v)$ the speed in general relativity?

-1 votes

If an infinite universe containing only a single object, is the object at rest?

-1 votes

Observational evidence for wormholes, or not?

-1 votes

Is the total energy of the universe zero?

-4 votes

Does cosmic activity outside our observable universe affect us?