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The study of the presence and flow of electric charge. Charges, currents, fields, potentials.

0 votes

Use of Mobile phone on Petrol pump

As others have already mentioned, RF cannot do it, and static is not unique to phones. One possible cause of sparks is the phone's vibrator. It is essentially a little electric motor with an unbalanc …
hdhondt's user avatar
  • 11.2k
4 votes

How to charge an object with electricity

That is easy if you are charging an insulator, but if you want to charge a metal object you need to mount it on an insulator as metals conduct electricity. Then you can charge the object. … I don't know what you think of the article you linked, but controlling gravity is something that cannot be done with electricity - if it is possible at all, and there are good reasons for thinking it's …
hdhondt's user avatar
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-1 votes

Power and Resistance

Power is given by the equation $$P=I*V$$where $I$ is the current and $V$ is the voltage. We also know that $$V=I*R$$ or, by swapping $I$ and $V$: $$I=V/R$$ with $R$ being the resistance. By substitut …
hdhondt's user avatar
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1 vote

Can electricity flow in a sufficiently large insulator?

We know that electricity cannot pass through glass and wood There is no such thing as a perfect insulator. …
hdhondt's user avatar
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17 votes

Would you die if you put your hands on a powerline?

Hanging from a power line you should be as safe as a bird. The voltage difference is between the lines (e.g. in a 3-phase system) and between the line and ground. This voltage difference exists acros …
hdhondt's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does holding an electrical switch in between on and off states cause sparks?

The switch really has 2 positions: on and off. However, when you move the switch very slowly, it may leave the closed position slowly. When the switch is just barely open, the field may cause the air …
hdhondt's user avatar
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-2 votes

Why does voltage remains same over Parallel Circuit

As the battery forces charge through the resistor, indeed that energy is converted into heat. An ideal battery has enough power so that it can supply the current without any voltage drop. With a rea …
hdhondt's user avatar
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0 votes

Producing electricity from all wavelengths of electromagnetic spectrum

This is in addition to the high & low energies zhermes mentioned. At radio frequencies we can extract energy from the radiation with a tuned circuit and a rectifier. Think of a crystal radio set: it …
hdhondt's user avatar
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1 vote

Does alternating current come from DC?

Most electricity generators generate AC. The reason for preferring AC is that, historically, it is easier change voltage with AC: all you need is a transformer. …
hdhondt's user avatar
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1 vote

Why may an air passenger experience an electric shock when he touches the door knob of the t...

Electricity flows whenever 2 objects at different potentials touch each other, regardless of what else the objects are connected to. …
hdhondt's user avatar
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1 vote

Does the brightness/power of each individual bulb change when you add more bulbs in a parall...

Assume that there is an ideal voltage source The problem is that such a voltage source does not exist. Every real-life voltage source has an internal resistance. Because of that (and possibly for …
hdhondt's user avatar
  • 11.2k
32 votes

Why is there no magnetic field around a wire connected to electricity at home?

I can see 2 possible reasons why your phone does not detect a magnetic field. First, a magnetic field is generated when current flows. A simple wire carries no current. So, unless the wire is part of …
hdhondt's user avatar
  • 11.2k
2 votes

Can a thin wire drive high currents if it's properly heat sinked?

Yes it would work as you expect. There is one problem though: most good thermal conductors are also good electrical conductors. Copper is among the better thermal conductors. Have a look at this cha …
hdhondt's user avatar
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1 vote

Can i take a high voltage system and a high amp system and merge them?

No matter how you connect them, the high voltage source will not be able to provide the 50A. If it could you would have 50A @ 30kV, i.e a 1.5 MW power souce! The best you can hope for is the availab …
hdhondt's user avatar
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0 votes

What is the advantage of stacking the electrocytes? Of having the stacks side by side?

The electrocytes are like tiny batteries. Like batteries, if you stack them so the positive terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of the next one, their voltages add up. Hence, if you …
hdhondt's user avatar
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