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Two Hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one Oxygen atom. One of the more common compounds on the surface of the earth.

1 vote

How to measure resistance of DI water

That DI water has some specific resistance, not resistance! To measure that, You need a apropriate probe, inserting the tips of a vanilla ohmmeter into the water, excuse, is ridiculous! …
Georg's user avatar
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3 votes

Auto-ionization of water

No, the autoprotolysis equation equilibrium makes the concentration of OH- to decrease appropriately. Say, the H3O+ is 1 mole/ltr, the OH- will be 10exp-14 moles per liter. If You calculate that prec …
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15 votes

Why does the water in the toilet move around so much on stormy days?

The vent of the sewer system can develop pressure variations depending on wind speed by some water-aspirator-like action. So the siphon in Your toilet works as a pressure differential indicator. …
Georg's user avatar
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4 votes

How fast does an ice cube melt in a microwave?

In liquid water we have an effect of relaxation of orientational polarisation. … The same mechanism is responsible for the extraordinary (about tenfold) mobilities of H+ Ions in water. Here is a plot of Water spectrum in microwave domain. …
Georg's user avatar
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16 votes

Do my noodles cook quicker when the water is boiling or when it is just about to boil?

My instinct would be that food will cook quicker just before the water starts boiling because steam conducts heat slower than water and so when the food is in contact with the steam bubbles it receives … In a pot on a fire, the surface of the water will be as low as maybe 80 or 90 degrees, when bubbles raise at the bottom, but do not reach the surface yet. …
Georg's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does boiling water in the microwave make a cup of tea go weird?

A common problem with microwave is that you lack control of the temperature of the water. Second problem is that the water is heated from the top and the sides of the mug mostly. … So: You have some water close to 100 C at the surface and colder (containing air) water below. When You dip in the bag, all that mixes, the air bubbles out. …
Georg's user avatar
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11 votes

What happens if you try to freeze water in an water tight container

Yes, of course, the freezing point will decrease by the pressure developed, while part of the water freezes. But do not underestimate the pressures! … (Depends on the rigidity of the vessel and the volume of water) Here is a video showing how freezing water cracks a cast iron sphere. (The bath is ice/salt at about -10°C) …
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1 vote

Can liquid contain information?

In the very first computers mercury memory was used. The mercury was contained in a glass tube, the information was fed in by some piezodrive at on end, at the opposite end the information was rea …
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1 vote

Air Regeneration in Closed Systems

The production of oxygen takes place usually via the electrolysis from water and partly via recuperation from the carbon dioxide by Sabatier process and the following methane pyrolysis. …
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