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0 answers

Use of mathematical structure on physics [closed]

I want resources for studying in detail the connection between the mathematical structures of physical theories and said physical theories. For example, i know what a Hilbert space or a principal ...
18 votes
1 answer

Mathematically rigorous QFT text

There are multiple questions on here about QFT textbook recommendations, but I am looking for mathematically precise texts on QFT. Recommendations of introductory and advanced texts are welcome, but ...
1 vote
2 answers

Reference Request: Mathematical Foundations of Physics

I am looking for reading on examples, or preferably a comprehensive summary on how the foundations of mathematics are related to physical theory. I would like to know whether basic set-theoretic and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solution set: Mathetmatical Methods For Physics [closed]

Recently, I had a good start with H.W. Wyld on mathematical methods for Physics and now looking forward to ask whether is there any solutions available for the problems given at the end of each ...
7 votes
0 answers

Lost reference: Kähler gravity in six dimensions and three dimensional $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ Chern-Simons theory

I've noticed that several references take for a fact that by studying Kähler gravity on a Calabi-Yau threefold one can demostrate that any lagrangian submanifold embedded in the threefold posees three ...
0 votes
0 answers

Source for Learning? [duplicate]

I am an very ameteur mathematician and physicst (If I can say mathematician and physicst to myself xD). I want to learn topics in physics. Like electromagnetism, mechanic, thermodinamics etc. But I ...
8 votes
2 answers

Discussion: Mathematically precise physical textbooks [closed]

I am very interested in the abstract mathematical description of nature. Therefore, I have recently started to compile a list of good textbooks about physics, which have a very high level of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Advice needed on learning maths oneself [duplicate]

I am a master's student in physics trying to learn maths on my own. My classes workload is heavy and the schedule is very hectic due to which I don't get time to do mathematics. I have done Linear ...
1 vote
0 answers

Recommended books for introduction to Quantum Mechanics for students who are mathematically aligned [duplicate]

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student and I have fully read R. Shankar's book on Quantum Mechanics and Griffiths book Quantum Mechanics. I have also done a bit of the Application of QM on ...
1 vote
0 answers

Book recommendation on Quantum Mechanics which is a bit mathematically aligned and gives good introduction to Hilbert Space for beginners [duplicate]

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student and I have fully read R. Shankar's book on Quantum Mechanics and Griffiths book Quantum Mechanics. I have also done a bit of the Application of QM on ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Can there be an **essential topic** in physics which cannot be archimedean? [closed]

In physics it seems everything is explained with $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$ typed entitites. Is there anything in or that would be in future in physics that would need the utility of $p$-adics in an ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Functional Analysis for Quantum Mechnanics [duplicate]

I have completed three sequences of courses in QM, and I'm very much eager to to do the functional analysis of QM on my own in my spare time. Can someone suggest some books? I like books with ...
1 vote
1 answer

Book to study Dirac delta function from a physics point of view [duplicate]

I am a beginning physics graduate student. I am often bewildered by the strange properties of the Dirac delta function such as: $\delta (a x)= \frac{1}{a} \delta (x)$ The derivative of $\delta (x)$ ...
5 votes
0 answers

Learning Roadmap to Mathematical Physics [duplicate]

Currently, I am a graduate student specializing in algebraic geometry. On the other hand, I have also become extremely interested in the mathematical physics. However, I am not sure what steps I ...
8 votes
2 answers

Mathematical physics text with plenty of applications

I'm looking for texts on mathematical physics. I've seen various other threads, but the texts recommended in those threads were mathematical methods of theoretical physics texts, that is to say those ...
2 votes
0 answers

Mathematical books to become a successful mathematical physicists [duplicate]

My understanding of algebraic topology and Riemannian geometry come from Nakahara's Geometry, Topology, and Physics, which I do not think is sufficient. I am first year PhD student, and I want to do ...
5 votes
2 answers

Recent missed opportunities à la Freeman Dyson

There is an excellent paper by Freeman Dyson from 1972 (here) and therein the author cites old talks by Hilbert (here) and Minkowski (chapter 2 here) speaking about similar topics, namely how ...
9 votes
2 answers

Resources for theory of distributions (generalized functions) for physicists

I am looking for tutorials, articles or books containing theory of distributions in context of mathematical physics. Please suggest.
6 votes
1 answer

References on $C^{*}$-algerbas, $W^{*}$-algebras and Quantum Theories

I would like to know some references regarding $C^{*}$ and $W^{*}$-algebras and quantum theories. I'm interested in concrete physical applications, models and problems. Here it is the list of ...
7 votes
4 answers

Kähler and complex manifolds

I was wondering if anyone knows any good references concerning Kähler manifolds and complex manifolds? I am studying supergravity theories and for the simplest $\mathcal{N}=1$ supergravity we will get ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there some websites for self-learning of advanced mathematics? [duplicate]

Are there some websites for self-learining of advanced mathematics? For example there is perimeter scholars for self study of theoretical physics, but I haven't found some good websites providing ...
0 votes
0 answers

Reference request for mathematical physics from an axiomatically rigorous perspective [duplicate]

Being a grad student in math, and a rather pedantic one indeed, I was unable to accept many of the things taught to me in undergrad physics courses. I am now trying to learn the applications of ...
13 votes
1 answer

String theory from a mathematical point of view

I have a great interest in the area of string theory, but since I am more focused on mathematics, I was wondering if there is any book out there that covers mathematical aspects of string theory. I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mathematical definitions in string theory

Does anyone know of a book that has mathematical definitions of a string, a $p$-brane, a $D$-brane and other related topics. All the books I have looked at don't have a precise definition and this is ...
5 votes
3 answers

Quantum Mechanics in terms of *-algebras

I'm currently trying to find my way into the geometric description of Quantum Mechanics. I therefore started reading: Geometry of state spaces. In: Entanglement and Decoherence (A. Buchleitner et ...
3 votes
4 answers

Topology needed for Differential Geometry [duplicate]

I am a physics undergrad, and need to study differential geometry ASAP to supplement my studies on solitons and instantons. How much topology do I need to know. I know some basic concepts reading from ...
51 votes
5 answers

Book covering differential geometry and topology for physics

I'm interested in learning how to use geometry and topology in physics. Could anyone recommend a book that covers these topics, preferably with some proofs, physical applications, and emphasis on ...
18 votes
5 answers

A book on quantum mechanics supported by the high-level mathematics

I'm interested in quantum mechanics book that uses high level mathematics (not only the usual functional analysis and the theory of generalised functions but the theory of pseudodifferential operators ...
34 votes
10 answers

Readable books on advanced topics [closed]

I realise that there are already a few questions looking for general book recommendations, but the motivation and type of book I'm looking for here is a little different, so I hope you can indulge me. ...
12 votes
3 answers

Mathematical Physics Book Recommendation [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Best books for mathematical background? I want to learn contemporary mathematical physics, so that, for example, I can read Witten's latest paper without checking other ...
92 votes
11 answers

Quantum Field Theory from a mathematical point of view

I'm a student of mathematics with not much background in physics. I'm interested in learning Quantum field theory from a mathematical point of view. Are there any good books or other reference ...
39 votes
6 answers

Formalizing Quantum Field Theory [duplicate]

I'm wondering about current efforts to provide mathematical foundations and more solid definition for quantum field theories. I am aware of such efforts in the context of the simpler topological or ...
32 votes
8 answers

Crash course on algebraic geometry with view to applications in physics

Could you please recommend any good texts on algebraic geometry (just over the complex numbers rather than arbitrary fields) and on complex geometry including Kahler manifolds that could serve as an ...
77 votes
7 answers

Number theory in Physics [closed]

As a Graduate Mathematics student, my interest lies in Number theory. I am curious to know if Number theory has any connections or applications to physics. I have never even heard of any applications ...
103 votes
13 answers

Best books for mathematical background?

What are the best textbooks to read for the mathematical background you need for modern physics, such as, string theory? Some subjects off the top of my head that probably need covering: ...