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Lost reference: Kähler gravity in six dimensions and three dimensional $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ Chern-Simons theory

I've noticed that several references take for a fact that by studying Kähler gravity on a Calabi-Yau threefold one can demostrate that any lagrangian submanifold embedded in the threefold posees three ...
3 votes
0 answers

Characteristic classes and index theorems for physicists

Since characteristic classes and index theorems are occasionally used in quantum field theory (for example, when discussing instantons or quantum anomalies), I want to learn more about them. Is there ...
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0 answers

Like Martin Gardner's "Mathematical Games" articles in Scientific American, but for physics?

Is there good source for puzzles in the style of Martin Gardner's books (Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles, aha! Insight, etc), except the domain is physics rather than math?
3 votes
0 answers

Characteristics of the Navier-Stokes equations as a set of PDE's

I am not entirely sure if I should ask this question here or not, but here goes: can anyone suggest any reference (book, article, etc.) about the Navier-Stokes equations from a mathematical point view?...
1 vote
0 answers

Why does no three-scalar parameterization of 3d orientation exist that doesn't contain singularities?

I'm reading a magazine article on 3d orientation and want to know what the mathematical issue is and where to read about it, preferably a theorem title that I can google or a topic and textbook: It’...
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0 answers

Reference for mathematics of quantum mechanics with infinite degrees of freedom?

I am looking for a book, or lecture notes or even courses available on YouTube where there is a good and detailed discussion on the mathematical aspects of Quantum Mechanics with infinite degrees of ...
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0 answers

Reference request - classical field theory and mathematics

I am looking for references (books, lecture notes etc) on mathematical classical field theory. By that, I mean classical field theory under a rigorous point of view. However, I am more interested in ...
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1 answer

Reference to understand this branch cut question

I am currently reading a physics paper in which the authors have complexified an ordinary differential equation (ODE). They mention the following statement in the paper: "These branch points ...
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1 answer

Complex Analysis books for Physics

I am now in my 6th semester of my physics bachelor and now I'm searching for a complex analysis book. It shouldn't be too long and deep and not too "mathematical" (I don't need every proof). ...
0 votes
0 answers

Wave equation PDE's

I'm taking a partial differential equations course and I think I need some practice solving the 1D and 2D wave equation with boundary conditions and initial conditions, do you have a book like the ...
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0 answers

Classical text of mathematics/infinitesimals for Landau-Lifshitz

I believe their is a pre- and post Weierstrass era of mathematics (loosely speaking). Afterwards there was epsilon-delta, before 'infinitesimals' (with certain rules, ideas and theorems, of course not ...
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1 answer

Calculus and trigonometry course

Can anyone please tell me any book or refer any kind of short term course on calculus and trigonometry required for physics.
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1 answer

Book on Vectors

Can someone recommend a good book on vectors for High school and pre University students. Nothing too complex but enough for first year physic students and helps cover the basics and helps you in ...
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0 answers

Is there a book about projective geometry in physics?

From Complex projective space: In quantum physics, the wave function associated to a pure state of a quantum mechanical system is a probability amplitude, meaning that it has unit norm, and has an ...