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Uncertainty Principle - measuring momentum on one entangled particle, position on the other

If two entangled particles are sent far apart and then at exactly the same time the position of one, and the momentum of the other, is measured, won't this mean that, because the corresponding values ...
Mark Kelleher's user avatar
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Have objective collapse theories been ruled out by recent experiments?

Have objective collapse theories been ruled out by recent experiments, such as the entanglement of macroscopic objects? (vibrating drumheads)
Question69's user avatar
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Are there known paradoxes regarding a detector that was, before use, entangled with a particle it detects?

Is it possible to design a system where a detector is entangled with the particle state it detects (before it is detected), and to create a paradox from this? Upon observance of a state by the ...
buddhabrot's user avatar
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Can two entangled electrons can get disentagled in Nature, withous us making a measurement?

Imagine we have two free, entangled [by their spins, which are in this case non-separable, while $x$ (or $p$) electrons are clearly separable]. In an experimental setup, we can measure (and observe) ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Will the electron interference remain if the photon scattering method doesn't include a photo-detector? Is it an example of quantum entanglement?

It is actually not a question. I am giving a chain of arguments here , I believe at some point I made a mistake. I want the mistake to be pointed out. /1. The probability of an event in an ideal ...
SURYABARTA SAHA's user avatar
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Wave function collapse, EPR paradox and information transfer

For a classical formulation of the EPR paradox, two particles are produced, with total momentum zero and separated by a long distance. So say we measure the momentum of one particle first, and measure ...
Ilya  Lapan's user avatar
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