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How much of neutrinos pass through a neutron star?

Neutrino rarely interact with matter however neutron star is extremely dense and I suppose only an insignificant amount of neutrinos can pass through the densest object in the universe second to black ...
user6760's user avatar
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Would a neutrino bomb do anything? Or can weak force kill you?

In a disreputable animated cartoon (I accidentally watch every episode of religiously), a mad scientist plans on killing all humans with a Neutrino bomb. From context, this is a bomb that produces a ...
King-Ink's user avatar
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Neutrino decoupling and units

I have a problem that states: In the early Universe, neutrinos can be created and destroyed by the process: \begin{equation} \nu \bar{\nu} \leftrightarrow e^{+}e^{-} \end{equation} The thermally ...
Denver Dang's user avatar
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High intensity laser and neutrino pair production

Given the very small rest mass of the neutrino, visible photons have plenty energy for neutrino pair creation. What would be the probability of $\gamma \to \nu + \bar\nu$? Would the neutrinos be ...
Wouter M.'s user avatar
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Neutrino interaction probability [closed]

Just a quick question, if a single 1GeV neutrino (muon neutrino) were fired at a block of iron with a given density, $\rho$, and the neutrino-nucleon interaction cross section is $\sigma$, what would ...
DarthPlagueis's user avatar
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Interaction between neutrino and an anti-neutrino?

What happens when a neutrino and an anti-neutrino interacts together? For example, what does a muon neutrino and anti-muon neutrino produce? it says in my book that it creates "muons and antimuons". ...
Vaishnavi's user avatar
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Using the boltzmann equation to find neutrino decoupling temperature

I'm an undergraduate student currently following a particle astrophysics lecture. I was reading some stuff about the neutrinos decoupling before the $e^+ e^-$ annihilations. It's possible to quickly ...
Indiana's user avatar
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What lepton neutrino would be in this reaction?

If I have a reaction (shown below), and I'm supposed to work out what the products will be, what would the lepton neutrino $\nu$ be? e.g electron neutrino: $$ \nu + p \to $$
Bob's user avatar
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Minimum energy of a neutrino for charged current reaction with nucleus

I am struggling with a practice problem regarding the following reaction: \begin{equation} \nu_{\mu}+n\rightarrow\mu^{-}+p \end{equation} The question is "What is the minimum energy of the muon ...
Vinteuil's user avatar
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Cloud Chamber Help Needed! [closed]

I was inspired by this video to attempt to create a cloud chamber without dry ice (it's very challenging to get where I live) and I have had limited success so far. This is what the design looks like: ...
Carl Davis's user avatar
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How is the fraction of a particular neutrino species calculated?

Suppose we assume that a neutrino is formed in the $\left| \nu_2 \right>$ eigenstate. Then, \begin{align} \left| \psi(x, t) \right> &= \left| \nu_2 \right> e^{-i\phi_2} \\ &= \left(...
thinkLamp's user avatar
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What is the bigger number of particles crossing an area: the number of photons or the number of neutrinos? [closed]

Take an squared area with (10²)² m² in front of the sun. What is the bigger number of particles crossing an area: the number of photons or the number of neutrinos? Just for clarification: you can ...
Vendetta's user avatar
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Decay and Invariant mass [closed]

Consider the following decay : \begin{equation} K^+\longrightarrow \pi^0 + e^+ + l^0 \end{equation} where $l^0$ is a neutral lepton. What kind of particle is $l^0$? For $K^+$ , if it's at rest, ...
Shanks Tyler Red's user avatar
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Show that $\nu^c _L = (\nu ^c)_R $

Considering Majorana neutrinos, how can I show that $\nu^c _L = (\nu ^c)_R $? I don't know how to answer this question. And what is the difference between $\nu ^c _R $ and $(\nu ^c)_R $? I know it ...
user7077252's user avatar
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What will happen if neutrinos are not massless particles? [duplicate]

In beta decay, explain qualitatively What will happen if neutrinos are not massless particles?
Rick Andy's user avatar
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Summing of neutrino spins in Muon decay

This might be a silly question, but I am just a beginner so please bear with me. When we average the matrix element over spins, do we also have to sum over neutrino spins since neutrinos are only Left-...
annoying_noob's user avatar
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Can CC interactions be used to detect oscillations $\bar{\nu_e} \to \bar{\nu_\mu}$?

Can CC interactions be used to detect oscillations $\bar{\nu_e} \to \bar{\nu_\mu}$? I believe this is not possible because CC interactions occur through the emission of a $W_{\pm}$ boson. This would ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Limiting the mass of the neutrino for a relativistic case

I came across a question that states What mass would a neutrino need to still be relativistic today (T = 2.37K) ? So for a particle to be relativistic we need $pc \gg mc^2$ Well Neutrino was ...
seVenVo1d's user avatar
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Neutrino temperature

I was wondering if anybody knows the relation between the photon temperature $T$ and neutrino temperature $T_{\nu}$? And why this can be written as $$T_{\nu}=\left(\frac{4}{11}\right)^{1 / 3} T \...
Ivan's user avatar
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How to convert this expression from natural units to those used experimentally?

I cannot for the life of me do the correct conversion of the following expression I derived for two flavour neutrino oscillation. I need to convert the expression from natural units ($c = \hbar = 1$ ) ...
Tetraquark's user avatar