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Cloud Chamber Help Needed! [closed]

I was inspired by this video to attempt to create a cloud chamber without dry ice (it's very challenging to get where I live) and I have had limited success so far. This is what the design looks like: ...
Carl Davis's user avatar
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Decay and Invariant mass [closed]

Consider the following decay : \begin{equation} K^+\longrightarrow \pi^0 + e^+ + l^0 \end{equation} where $l^0$ is a neutral lepton. What kind of particle is $l^0$? For $K^+$ , if it's at rest, ...
Shanks Tyler Red's user avatar
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What will happen if neutrinos are not massless particles? [duplicate]

In beta decay, explain qualitatively What will happen if neutrinos are not massless particles?
Rick Andy's user avatar
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How is the fraction of a particular neutrino species calculated?

Suppose we assume that a neutrino is formed in the $\left| \nu_2 \right>$ eigenstate. Then, \begin{align} \left| \psi(x, t) \right> &= \left| \nu_2 \right> e^{-i\phi_2} \\ &= \left(...
thinkLamp's user avatar
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Minimum energy of a neutrino for charged current reaction with nucleus

I am struggling with a practice problem regarding the following reaction: \begin{equation} \nu_{\mu}+n\rightarrow\mu^{-}+p \end{equation} The question is "What is the minimum energy of the muon ...
Vinteuil's user avatar
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Neutrino interaction probability [closed]

Just a quick question, if a single 1GeV neutrino (muon neutrino) were fired at a block of iron with a given density, $\rho$, and the neutrino-nucleon interaction cross section is $\sigma$, what would ...
DarthPlagueis's user avatar