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12 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a neutrino and an electron neutrino?

So, what is the difference between a neutrino and an electron neutrino? Like how does the term 'electron' made a difference? Also, what is the difference between an antineutrino and an electron ...
27 votes
3 answers

Can neutrinos "hit" electrons?

I understand that particles interact via the fundamentals forces of nature. For example photons interact with matter because they carry the change in the electromagnetic field. Neutrinos, on the other ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why can't weak interaction bind neutrino and electron together? [duplicate]

According to wiki, unlike the other three interactions, weak interaction does not produce bound states. However, according to this and this, the weak force should be attractive between particles with ...
115 votes
4 answers

Why do electrons, according to my textbook, exist forever?

Does that mean that electrons are infinitely stable? The neutrinos of the three leptons are also listed as having a mean lifespan of infinity.