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Do you get correct graph of transfer characteristic, if you take +ive Vds(constant) value instead of -ive. As mostly CNTFETs are p-chnl FET

I'm studying transfer characteristic curve of CNTFET to get value for mobility, S.S, etc. According to my basic background knowledge, NMOS curves lie in the 1st quadrant. While for PMOS they lie in ...
user281793's user avatar
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Why are we even interested in solar cells under bias voltage?

I couldn't find any answer on this super basic question. Some people on the internet say that you would not put a solar cell in an array under bias, others say that they bias themselves, but I don't ...
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
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Is there a potential difference across the bulb after current passed through a diode?

I understand that voltage can exist without current so what I want to ask is will there be a potential difference across the bulb(situated after the diode) when a batteries supplied energy through a ...
radastro's user avatar
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Is activation voltage the sum of voltage required to collapse depletion layer and band gap energy?

Is the energy released when an electron moves from the valence to conductance band states the activation voltage or is activation voltage the energy required for electrons to overcome the depletion ...
Eloise's user avatar
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What actually happens at the microscopic level in a Zener diode in reverse bias?

A Zener diode is used as a voltage stabilizer. The graph of current vs voltage of Zener diode clearly shows that there is a constant voltage across Zener after the breakdown voltage as the current ...
Rajath Radhakrishnan's user avatar