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From infinitesimal momentum volume to infinitesimal rapidity & tranverse momentum

I'm trying to derive a relationship given in a paper which is used to obtained a differential cross-section distribution in function of rapidity and transverse momentum of final state particles, $$ \...
Pierre's user avatar
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Phases difference

Recently, I learned in my class about harmonic motion and the difference in phase. According to the wikipedia and many other sources, you find that difference by subtracting the phases. Take a look at ...
randomtrekker's user avatar
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Divergence of a radial vector

I'm reading an introduction to the Maxwell Equations. The author states that $\textbf E=\frac{e\textbf r}{4\pi\epsilon_0r^3}$ (r is the magnitude of $\textbf r$). Then he derives the Gaussian law from ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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Evaluating derivatives with respect to certain vector axis

So, I am trying to work in Spherical coordinates. I have a predefined fixed axis, $\hat{v}_0$, so that $\alpha=\vec{r}.\hat{v}_0$ Now, I am interested in the following: \begin{equation} f(r,\alpha)=\...
titanium's user avatar
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Classical Mechanics, The Theoretical Minimum: error in answer to partial derivatives exercise? [closed]

I'm reading Leonard Susskind's Classical Mechanics, The Theoretical Minimum, and I'm on the interlude on partial derivatives. There is an exercise that asks you to find all of the first and second ...
christopherlovell's user avatar
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Show $\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot q_j} = m_i \dot r_i^T\frac{\dot r_i }{\partial \dot q_j} $ [closed]

This is a basic result in lagrangian mecanics. Let $T$ be the kinetic energy, $r_i$ be the position of the $i^{th}$ particle in the system I need to show $$\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot q_j} = \frac{...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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a mistake related to variable mass system

I'm having a problem with finding my mistake when trying to find the derivative of the momentum when mass is being ejected in a constant rate. The problem is this - a body in space is burning fuel ...
user1708860's user avatar
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What is the infinitesimal work done when the force is given by the gradient of a scalar function that depends both on position AND time?

The title is slightly confusing but I didn't know how else to phrase my question. Basically, this is the situation: When the force applied to a particle is given by the gradient of a scalar function ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Question about differentiation of tensors

According to Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Astrophysics for physicists Page 363: $$\frac{\partial \overline A^i}{\partial \overline x^l}=\frac{\partial A^k}{\partial x^m}\frac{\partial x^m}{\partial \overline ...
Jens Roderus's user avatar
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What is the derivative of $\dot{\theta^2}$? [closed]

$$\frac{d}{dt}(\dot{\theta^2}) =? 2\dot{\theta}\ddot{\theta}$$ is this correct, or am I missing something?
Carl's user avatar
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The use of the commutators in quantum mechanics: explanations [duplicate]

Considering that I've never studied quantum mechanics before I have need to understand the operator commutator. My start is: $[A,B]=AB-BA \tag{a}$ Now, why must be $$\left[\frac{\partial }{\partial ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Vector question, differentials, Electromagnetism

I was reading this demonstration of electric potential in my book: Let $q$ be a point charge at point $P$ The Electric field created at point $M$ by $q$ is : $$\vec{E}(M) = \...
mwa1's user avatar
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Maximum electric field of a circular ring

How do you differentiate the equation for electric field of uniform ring $$ E_x = \frac{kxQ}{(x^2+r^2)^{3/2}} $$to get the maximum at a point? My book says $x = r/\sqrt2$. I tried differentiating ...
Ram Bharadwaj's user avatar
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Lennard-Jones potential, distance $r$ for minimum energy

I'm sorry if the question seems stupid. I found (wikipedia) that the Lennard-Jones potential has it's minimum at a distance of $$r = 2^{\frac{1}{6}}\sigma.$$ If $U(r)_{min} = -\epsilon$ $$U(r) = 4\...
proxima's user avatar
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Change in areal element

Example 1.7 Calculate the surface integral of $\mathbf{v}=2xz\hat{\mathbf{x}}+(x+2)\hat{\mathbf{y}}+y(z^2-3)\hat{\mathbf{z}}$ over five sides (excluding the bottom) of the cubical box (side 2) in Fig. ...
Paul's user avatar
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Finding solution to this differential equation

In this paper equation (3.11) was written as: $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial u}\frac{\partial L}{\partial v} = -1$$ The author then said p.9 that "approximate ...
Fluctuations's user avatar
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Basic vector calculus: Show that $\nabla \vec{r} = \vec{1}$ [closed]

Show that $\nabla \vec{r} = \vec{1}$ My instructor in my E & M class put the $r$ and $1$ in bold. I am not sure what a bold one means. From my work I get $1ii + 1jj + 1zz$.
WAS's user avatar
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Confusion in differentiation in physics problem [closed]

Here, we had to find theta such that the denominator has the maximum value. Being new to differentiation I basically didn't understand how differentiation solved the purpose: I basically didnt ...
oshhh's user avatar
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Uncertainty in Range of Projectile [closed]

If we are given that a projectile is launched with velocity 10m/s at an angle of $45^\circ$ and uncertainty in angle is of $0.5^\circ$ . What is the uncertainty in the range of projectile. The problem ...
Syomantak's user avatar
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Finding the divergence of this force [closed]

I've got to find the divergence of this force, $$ \mathbf F=\left(x^2+y^2+z^2\right)^n\left(x\hat e_x+y\hat e_y+z\hat e_z\right) $$ I would know how to do it if the $n$ superscript wasn't there. Any ...
Gray's user avatar
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Given a Postion-time curve/function, how do I find the time spent per unit position?

I have recordings of the position time curve for a given 1D actuator. I'm trying to find out the time spent per unit length. To get this relationship, I tried to take an example of a linear function: $...
BikerDude's user avatar
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Proving the relation $\frac 1 2 \left[\nabla^2,r \right] = \frac 1 r + \frac \partial {\partial r}$ (quantum mechanics exercise) [closed]

I'm trying to prove this relation in my quantum mechanics exercise book $$\frac 1 2 \left[\nabla^2,r \right] = \frac 1 r + \frac \partial {\partial r}.$$ Here's my attempt: Expand the Laplacian ...
Ian Hsiao's user avatar
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Wave Function Probability calculation [closed]

Redited The wave function of the particle at a certain instant is given as $$\psi(x)=Ae^{(-\frac{x^2}{a^2}+ikx)}.$$ If $P1$ and $P2$ denote the probabilities of finding the particle in the range $a$ ...
Neelam Sharma's user avatar
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How we can prove this vector identity?

I was trying to rederive the formula of the angular momentum of electromagnetic field, and all the steps are clear for me except this one which I took from "Photons and Atoms: Introduction to ...
yyy333's user avatar
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Connection between algebraic and analytic method of quantum harmonic oscillator

I am studying Quantum harmonic oscillator, There are 2 methods to solve Harmonic oscillator one is algebraic method and another is analytic method , Wave functions derived from 2 methods are ...
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Vector Calculus Computation: Finding the divergence [closed]

Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers page 309, problem 6. This question asks the reader to show that the divergence of (r/r $^3)=0$, provided that r is not 0. Well, r, I suppose, is the ...
Pascal's user avatar
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How can I show that the acceleration vector for uniform circular motion undergoes uniform rotation?

Does it suffice to show that the dot product between the acceleration vector and the derivative of the acceleration vector = 0?
slothropp's user avatar
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Simple 2D motion vectors [closed]

I am curious if the initial velocity of $x(t)=-3-4t+2t^2$ can be calculated from only this given in another way than just differentiation, by using the constant acceleration formulas perhaps?
JKM's user avatar
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What is $\frac{\delta (\partial_\kappa \sqrt{g})}{\delta g^{\mu\nu}}$?

Title says it all, is there a closed expression for $$\frac{\delta (\partial_\kappa \sqrt{g})}{\delta g^{\mu\nu}}$$ where $g = \det g_{\mu\nu}$?
gertian's user avatar
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Forced damped harmonic motion, angular frequency at which amplitude is maximum. differentiation [closed]

$$A_0 = \frac{(F_0/m)}{\sqrt{(\omega_0^2-\omega_d^2)^2+b^2\omega_d^2/m^2}}$$ How would I differentiate this with respect to the driven angular frequency (equating to zero) in order to obtain the max ...
DenJev's user avatar
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For how long is an objects velocity it's instantaneous velocity at time $t$?

Basically I'm asking if an object's instantaneous velocity at time $t$ is $8m/s$ and its instantaneous velocity at time $t^+$ (idk latex, but basically the t + an infinitely small number) is $10m/s$, ...
Serendipitous Epiphany's user avatar
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Derivative of kinetic energy [closed]

I read that the derivative of kinetic energy=$F\cdot v$. I tried to differentiate (1/2) mv^2 with respect to time but each time I am getting $m*v$ and not $m*a*v$ which solves to $F*v$. My efforts are ...
Harmonic's user avatar
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To prove, $\nabla.(\nabla\phi \times \nabla\psi)$ =0 [closed]

Please Help me solving the problem using levi-cevita symbol : Prove That, $\nabla.(\nabla\phi \times \nabla\psi)$ =0 where $\phi =\phi(x,y,z)$ & $\psi=\psi(x,y,z)$
Sahil's user avatar
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What is the General formula of gradient of $r^n$? [closed]

so, the question is that r is the separation vector from a fixed point $(x',y',z')$ to the point $(x,y,z)$ and let $r$ be its length. the answer to the question of what is the general formula of $$\...
user343766's user avatar
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Car Drag Strip Simulation [closed]

I have written an iPhone App for to our local drag strip. I'm trying to write a physics based information and simulation page duplicating the time slip you receive when you make a pass at a 1/4 mile ...
Thomas C.'s user avatar
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Using Gauss' theorem [duplicate]

I am working through some questions and I am stuck on the working of this one: Where the working to the answer is here: Can someone explain the highlighted section as I can't see where it comes from?...
Σ baryon's user avatar
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Explain this equation mathematically

$$\Bigl( \frac{\partial S}{\partial T} \Bigr)_H = \Bigl( \frac{\partial S}{\partial T} \Bigr)_M + \Bigl( \frac{\partial S}{\partial M} \Bigr)_T \Bigl( \frac{\partial M}{\partial T} \Bigr)_H$$ How can ...
Bully Maguire's user avatar
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Kinematics problem invloving position and time [closed]

An object is moving along X axis with position as a function of time given by $x = x(t)$. Point $O$ is at $x = 0$. The object is definitely moving towards $O$ when 1. $\mathrm dx/\mathrm dt < 0$ ...
pranjal verma's user avatar
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Show that $dE/dt = -bv^2$ (Help with differentiation) [closed]

The question is: Show that $$dE/dt = -b (dx/dt)^2.$$ And the solution is: ...
Theo's user avatar
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Find out which coordinate changes at faster rate [closed]

Suppose we have a particle, which moves along a path (in x-y plane) and say its path is the curve, $ 12y = x^3 $ . I need to find out which coordinate (x or y) changes at faster rate at any given ...
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