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31 votes
5 answers

Is crystal momentum really momentum?

Almost every solid state physics textbook says crystal momentum is not really physical momentum. For example, phonons always carry crystal momentum but they do not cause a translation of the sample at ...
skywaddler's user avatar
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Why phonons are Goldstone modes?

I read this in the lecture notes by David Tong: "Gapless excitations often dominate the low-temperature behaviour of a system, where they are the only excitations that are not Boltzmann ...
Iris Allevi's user avatar
15 votes
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Why is crystalline graphite black yet shiny?

I am unable to find images of pure crystalline graphite with high confidence, but based on various sources I believe that it should actually be both black and shiny, in the sense that it reflects much ...
user21820's user avatar
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3 answers

Can someone explain LO-TO Splitting?

LO-TO splitting occurs in an ionic (i.e. polar) solid such as GaAs or NaCl. What happens is that the degeneracy of the transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) phonons at $k=0$ is broken ...
Xcheckr's user avatar
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How the number of atoms in the basis affects the density of states?

When dealing with phonons and specific heat of solids, it seems the really important quantity to obtain is the density of states $N(\omega)$. When we have it, we can find the internal energy as $$U(T)...
Gold's user avatar
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Why do we need the quantization for lattice vibration?

I've been reading the Wikipedia article on phonon. So, my understanding is what they get is the discrete energy levels of vibration from quantization. But the discrete energy level is not only the ...
hbadger19042's user avatar
1 vote
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How to understand crystal momentum, its relation to translational symmetry, Noether theorem, and to symmetry breaking/Landau-Ginzburg theory?

This question continues from my another question How to understand critical points of the Brillouin zone, (in)direct bands of transition-metal dichalcogenides?, and is related to Is crystal momentum ...
Charlie Chang's user avatar