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Physical momentum of phonon [duplicate]

I have read in the book 'Introduction to solid state physics' by Kittel that phonons do not carry any physical momentum. But what is the reason for phonons not having any physical momentum?
Soumita's user avatar
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Mossbauer effect: neglectable recoil or absolute no recoil?

I stumbled on the Mossbauer effect. From the wikipedia article, I cannot tell for sure if the momentum of recoil is really zero, or only neglectable. From what I do (think I) understand, the ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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Why are phonons and photons orthogonal in $k$-space?

Within solid-state physics and semi-conductor theory, the band-gaps of various semiconductors are often shown using $k$-space diagrams. Within the diagram, momentum is on the $x$-axis while on the $y$-...
horta's user avatar
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Phonon Momentum

I am reading Charles Kittel's solid state physics and wondering what's the mechanism that neutron waves and photons can interact with phonons and the process obey the generalized momentum-energy ...
Li Xinghe's user avatar
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Is crystal momentum really momentum?

Almost every solid state physics textbook says crystal momentum is not really physical momentum. For example, phonons always carry crystal momentum but they do not cause a translation of the sample at ...
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