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Can real particles be created from a false vacuum spontaneously through decay?

Consider false vacuum decay. Given the energy difference between the false to true, Can this process lead to the creation of real particles as well as the vacuum bubbles?
VVM's user avatar
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What would happen if a true vacuum expanded within the event horizon of a black hole? [duplicate]

If a bubble of a false vacuum decaying to a true vacuum state (in one of the fields described by the Standard Model) somehow expanded starting from a point within the event horizon of a black hole, ...
Ray Hamel's user avatar
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How do you mathematically describe the quantum bubble?

The vacuum is filled with quantum bubbles. In a Feynman diagram this would correspond to a closed one particle propagator line, a circle, or a bubble. I'm curious how this is described mathematically. ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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If vacuum decay was somehow triggered inside a black hole, would the rest of the universe notice?

If vacuum decay is triggered, it will spread (at maximum) at the speed of light. But the spacetime inside a black hole is causally disconnected from the space outside. Nothing that happens inside the ...
zucculent's user avatar
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Can a bubble of vacuum move through space?

If there are really regions in space where a vacuum exists, I have learned there can still exist electric and magnetic fields within. That makes this region then differentiable from the regions around ...
user298427's user avatar
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Could gravitational waves have their origin in collision of true and false vacuum?

Could the gravitational waves the consequence of the collision between a true vacuum bubble and a false vacuum bubble, at the beginning of the universe? (as they try to explain there: https://www....
Mathieu Krisztian's user avatar
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What is a bubble from nothing?

Recently I was reading a collection of lectures on Swampland Conjecture and came across an interesting subtitle about a bubble from nothing. A bubble from nothing is a non-perturbative instability ...
Arman Armenpress's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a soap bubble in space?

since space does not contain air, is it possible to create a soap bubble without air in space or in vacuum and can can you explain why so? OR will there be any possibilities for a bubble in such kind ...
Dheenadhayalan's user avatar
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Phase Transitions and Bubble Nucleation

The potential for a first order phase transition is shown below The phase transition occurs from the spontaneous formation of bubbles. Inside the bubbles the field value is at the "true vacuum" and ...
SAMCRO's user avatar
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4 answers

Can I blow soap bubbles (of air) inside a vacuum chamber?

When I blow soap bubbles from a liquid dish soap mixed with distilled water at atmospheric pressure at ground level both internal and external air pressure nullify and the tension of the bubbles holds,...
user6760's user avatar
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Is nuclear fusion via underwater vacuum possible?

An under water explosion creates a bubble which quickly collapses on itself. The action takes less that 1/100 of a second for bubbles less than a foot across. This creates a point of extremely ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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Is it possible for bubbles to exist in vacuum?

In the case of a bubble, the outside pressure is less then the inside pressure. If that is the case can bubbles exist in vacuum? I am not sure but this should be true if vacuum has zero pressure
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