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Questions tagged [cold-fusion]

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-8 votes
1 answer

Is cold fusion the only avenue for fusion reactors? [closed]

To my understanding, cold fusion proposes a solution to usable fusion reactions by finding a way to fuse nuclei at room or near-room temperatures. However, I also understand that improving energy in ...
yolo's user avatar
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HB11 fusion Engine

Looking for a way to achieve torch ship performance ( Without strapping my reactor/engine to the outside of my ship. The main ...
Michael Ferrell's user avatar
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Could lithium deuteride sustain a "cold" chain reaction?

When Lithium 6 absorbs a neutron (thermal or not) it reacts forming an alpha particle and a tritium. The formed tritium has an average kinetic energy of 2.5 MeV. That kinetic energy is way higher than ...
Peter S.'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

$\mu$ Catalised fusion energy

How can i calculate the energy that i get from $\mu$ fusion. I want to know how much energy can we get from a deuteriom-triton-muon fusion. I know that it comes from the masses being different. So i ...
Beans9991's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

(Cold?) fusion by combining protons and electrons?

How does one remove electrons from hydrogen nuclei? Using a tokamak? In any case, do we really need millions of degrees centigrade of temperature to get an electron to fuse with a proton? To make a ...
Ravindra HV's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Would an extremely slowly forming star ignite?

Nuclear fusion requires extremely high temperatures and pressures, both of which are created by the collapse of protostars. But, what if the accretion of matter happened slowly enough that the core ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is a nuclear fusion reactor not currently possible? [closed]

Nuclear fission reactors are fairly common, but what technological/physical limitations are currently impeding developing the nuclear fusion reactor? The H-bomb is capable of creating nuclear fusion ...
Feynman137's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why have the cold fusion prototypes not been more closely considered as instances of muon catalyzed fusion [closed]

We have some evidence of excess heat being generated by Pons & Fleischmann type experiments. Ultimately, I want to understand why the orthodoxy put down the muon theory & shut down the entire ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 votes
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Theorical efficiency of Chirped Pulse Amplification HB11 fusion reaction

I read that scientists finally reproduced a more efficient fusion with a novel approach. They accelerate hydrogen inside a pellet with a LASER. A single H atom produces three $\text{He-4}^+$ nuclei. ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cold fusion with ionized hydrogen and neutron radiation

Would bombarding ionized hydrogen gas with neutron radiation cause cold fusion as the neutrons have no electrostatic repulsion to overcome therefore making it much easier to get within range of the ...
Derek Seabrooke's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is high temperature **required** for nuclear fusion?

Tl;dr: Can fusion be achieved only by speeding up particles to high enough speeds to smash into each other? I know that it is necessary for protons, or any oppositely-charged particles for that ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Could channeling effects explain cold fusion? [closed]

Anomalous QED effects related to channeling effects in  crystal lattices, could explain an enhanced fusion cross section, related to a wide class of fusion reactions. Following Schwinger , I ...
Cristian Dumitrescu's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is relativistic channeled electron catalyzed fusion possible?

A few words first  about muon catalyzed fusion.  You can see this question sigoldberg1 answer, and  this link. "The muon may bump the electron from one of the hydrogen isotopes. The muon, 207 ...
Cristian Dumitrescu's user avatar
1 vote
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Convert Normal water to cool instantly [closed]

Is it possible to convert the hot/normal water to cold steam instantly(may be within 1/2hr) without using refrigerators etc. If yes, how far can the cold steam travel. I am not sure with all the fluid ...
Adil Zama Sadiq's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Muon catalysed fusion from cosmic muons

If thousands of muons are coming to earth. Why can't we use them for muon catalysed fusion which was proved legitimate
Sanath Selvakumaran's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does anyone take Cold Fusion seriously? [duplicate]

The original Pons/Fleischmann experiment was deeply flawed, and it seems the same errors are reproduced in followup experiments these past 30 or so years. The Pons/Fleischmann apparatus was not ...
Corey Barcus's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Could Excess Energy in Cold Fusion Experiments be Explained by Transmutation of Elements?

Scientists have been frustrated trying to duplicate published results ever since Fleishman and Ponds. If fusion really did occur there would be neutrons but none were ever detected. The excess ...
0tyranny0poverty's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does muon halflife have any application in cold fusion concept?

As we know muon being more massive than electron species is more likely to fuse , but muon decays quickly , does that have any implications in nuclear fusion ?
Bhavam Vidyarthi's user avatar
1 vote
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Can air plasma ions in a fusor fuse?

I know that hydrogen ions will fuse in a fusor but what about air ions? Can air plasma ions in a fusor fuse?, if so, under what cicumstances, and how would I ...
Maxwell Baker's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why can't two hydrogen atoms be slowly "pressed together" (fused to form helium) with some advanced device (not collided at high speed)?

I apologize for my lack of physics knowledge, and I won't be gaining much any time soon, since I'm focusing mostly on work and physical exercise. I can't help but wonder about this: Questions: ...
Debug's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What recent positive developments in LENR were identified in this US House report?

In this Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) briefing document prepared for the US House of Representatives, we can read (page 8): The committee is aware of recent positive developments in ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Nuclear fusion will consume all our hydrogen in some centuries?

First, sorry for bad English. If the fusion become a viable energy source, and used extensively, it will have impact on the amount of hydrogen in our environment? Unlike pollution by carbon dioxide, ...
Diógenes's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Another cold-fusion reactor scheme :) Is it feasible?

I have this idea rolling in my head for quite a while, but lately I got really interested to know if it's even remotely feasible. I am complete novice to the field of nuclear engineering and cold ...
Ivan Ivanov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Did Don Borghi's experiment show that neutrons can be synthesized purely from protons and electrons?

C. Borghi, C. Giori, and A. Dall'Olio published an article entitled "Experimental evidence of emission of neutrons from cold hydrogen plasma" appearing in Yad. Fiz. 56, 147-156 (July 1993) and Phys. ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Reproductibility of the effects described in US patent 8,419,919

US patent 8,419,919, by P. Boss, F. Gordon, S. Szpak, and L. Forsley, describes what (I summarize) would be a method to perform particle generation leading to atomic transmutation, by palladium ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is the E-Cat by Andrea Rossi et al. proof that cold fusion can work? [duplicate]

A team of researchers have tested a device (the E-Cat) produced by a team in Italy led by Andrea Rossi and claim that its 'abundant heat production' together with the change in the composition of its ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Is nuclear fusion via underwater vacuum possible?

An under water explosion creates a bubble which quickly collapses on itself. The action takes less that 1/100 of a second for bubbles less than a foot across. This creates a point of extremely ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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2 answers

How does cold fusion work? [duplicate]

I understand that in regular fusion, you use high levels of heat to accelerate atoms to speeds high enough to overcome nuclear force. What method would be used to achieve cold fusion?
user37390's user avatar
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Muon production in particle accelerator

PAMELA is a particle accelerator which have two concentric rings, protons are accelerated in the inside ring. At ISIS muons are produced when a 800 MeV proton beam collides with a graphite target(...
kumar saurabh raj's user avatar
6 votes
8 answers

Is there any reproducible tested evidence for Ni-H cold fusion? [closed]

The main replications of cold fusion, the ones that are beyond reproach, used Pd/d as the system. But commercial developers have often claim to use Ni-H to achieve similar effects. The claims include ...
Ron Maimon's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Widom-Larsen Theory

Does the Widom-Larsen theory pose a credible underpinning for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, often incorrectly referred to as "Cold Fusion"?
Kanga's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

What are the challenges to achieving cold fusion?

I am an absolute neophyte regarding physics. What are the challenges to achieving cold fusion? I'm not sure this is a duplicate of Why is cold fusion considered bogus?, because that question is ...
Chimera's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Is there a sound theoretical argument against inner-shell induced nuclear chain reactions?

There is a claim often made about cold fusion, that it is excluded theoretically. The main theoretical argument is that electronic energies are too low to overcome the Coulomb barrier, since d-d ...
Ron Maimon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What's up in this SPAWAR video?

Here is a video presentation of infrared recordings of anomalous heating in a deuterium palladium cell: ( youtube video) (see also this presentation if you want more detail, and have time). There are ...
Ron Maimon's user avatar
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How can I determine the feasibility of Pd(d,f) fission chains?

The conclusion of this paper (p. 6) discusses some hypothetical Pd(d,f) yields as a possible explanation for anomalous results that the author observed. Suspending disbelief in the data reported in ...
Eric Walker's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is the E-cat by Andrea Rossi et al. for real?

Does this thing really do what they say? If it does, it looks like this will probably be the biggest breakthrough in science ever :)
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does the "Energy Catalyzer" by Andrea Rossi et al. generate energy by converting Nickel to Copper?

From Wikipedia: The Energy Catalyzer is an apparatus built by [...] Andrea Rossi, [and] Sergio Focardi. The 2009 patent application claims "a method and apparatus for carrying out nickel and ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Atomic mass of Copper-63?

This URL lists the mass of Copper-63 as 62.9295975(6) and this other URL lists the mass as 62.939598. These values differ by almost exactly 0.01 which seems hard to explain by experimental error. ...
Dan Brumleve's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

cosmic radiation muons as a source for muon-catalyzed fusion

taking rough numbers from here and here, it seems that with natural cosmic radiation sources, we could sustain $10^6$ muon-catalyzed fusion reactions per square-meter per minute. This would be $14 \...
lurscher's user avatar
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58 votes
14 answers

Why is cold fusion considered bogus?

Cold fusion is being mentioned a lot lately because of some new setup that apparently works. This is an unverified claim. See for example:
Sklivvz's user avatar
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