Linked Questions

43 votes
3 answers

What's wrong with this derivation that $i\hbar = 0$?

Let $\hat{x} = x$ and $\hat{p} = -i \hbar \frac {\partial} {\partial x}$ be the position and momentum operators, respectively, and $|\psi_p\rangle$ be the eigenfunction of $\hat{p}$ and therefore $$\...
ganzewoort's user avatar
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7 answers

Is the Momentum Operator a Postulate?

I've been studying the postulates of QM and seeing how to derive important ideas from them. One thing that I haven't been able to derive from them, however, is the identity of the momentum operator. ...
Juan Perez's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Is the momentum operator diagonal in position representation?

The matrix elements of the momentum operator in position representation are: $$\langle x | \hat{p} | x' \rangle = -i \hbar \frac{\partial \delta(x-x')}{\partial x}$$ Does this imply that $\langle x |...
a06e's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is every observable a function of position and momentum?

In the first answer of this question it is said that every quantum observable, let's say $\hat{A}$, can be represented as a function of position and momentum observables. In other words, as I ...
slaaidenn's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is the most general expression for the coordinate representation of momentum operator?

I have a question about deriving the coordinate representation of momentum operator from the canonical commutation relation, $$[x,p]= i.$$ One derivation (ref W. Greiner's Quantum Mechanics: An ...
user26143's user avatar
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Matrix elements of the operator $\hat{x} \hat{p}$ in position and momentum basis

I want to calculate the matrix elements of the operator $\hat{x} \hat{p}$ in momentum and position basis, that is the two quantities ($p,q$ - momenta, $x,y$ - positions): $$\langle p|\hat{x} \hat{p}|...
Spine Feast's user avatar
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Commutation relation of position and momentum using Dirac notation

This is likely a very trivial/silly question, but in following a derivation of the position and momentum commutation relation using the dirac notation, I am having trouble justifying a certain step. ...
Zack's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What's the correct link between Dirac notation and wave mechanics integrals?

In wave mechanics when we compute the expectation value of energy we write the following $$\left<\hat{H}\right>=\int_{-\infty}^\infty\mathrm{d}x\ \psi^*(x)\hat{H}\psi(x)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty\...
Secret's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Off-diagonal elements of momentum operator in position representation

In another Phys.SE question, I've proposed the next-cited proof of this statement: the momentum matrix elements in position representation, $\langle x'|\hat{p}|x\rangle$, are all not null I'm ...
Annibale's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Integrating $\int \frac{e^{ikx}}{x} dk$ by parts to get delta function derivative, how to handle undefined boundary terms?

I'm going through Sergio Dutra's Cavity Electrodynamics: The Strange Theory of Light in a Box. In equation (2.31) he computes: $$\begin{aligned}\langle x|\hat{p}|x'\rangle&=i\hbar\int\frac{dk}{2\...
Ruvi Lecamwasam's user avatar