Linked Questions

4 votes
5 answers

Is the Uncertainty Principle a mathematical consequence or a physical consequence or both? [duplicate]

I am currently exploring the mathematical structure of Quantum Mechanics on an introductory level. A couple of books and online sources (including this website) stated how the Uncertainty Principle is ...
Ajinkya Naik's user avatar
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How does the Uncertainty Principle work? [duplicate]

In my textbook they have explained the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle using the example where you cannot measure the position of the electron using the photon because the wavelength of the photon ...
user662650's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does an electron have a fixed orbit in reality? [duplicate]

The Heisenberg's uncertainty principle prevents us from measuring the position and momentum of an electron accurately at the same time. But that is just our inability, right? In reality, would ...
Michael Faraday's user avatar
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Uncertainty principle implies the non-deterministic universe? [duplicate]

Does the uncertainty principle imply the non-deterministic universe, or just the fact that our model of the universe, the one based on observation, can be at most non-deterministic, since we will not ...
tesgoe's user avatar
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What is uncertainty principle exactly? [duplicate]

I've learned a little about uncertainty principle. According to words on Internet, it says that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly at the same time. And there ...
Noctihaar Surralyn's user avatar
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Is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle based on experimental imprecision in measurement? [duplicate]

As far as I understand, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the more one of the conjugate quantities are known, the less the other is known. So for instance, if the velocity of a particle ...
Chris K's user avatar
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Why is this a correct explanation for the Uncertainty Principle? [duplicate]

There's this really common explanation for Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, but I quote it from Classical Dynamics by Marion and Thornton: The wave character of the photon precludes an exact ...
Ambica Govind's user avatar
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Correct interpretation of the Uncertainty principle [duplicate]

Why is it that the Uncertainty principle is always associated with some sort of measurement? Isn't it true that the uncertainty principle holds for Quantum Mechanical systems in which no measurement ...
The Theory's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

Isn't the uncertainty principle just non-fundamental limitations in our current technology that could be removed in a more advanced civilization?

From what I understand, the uncertainty principle states that there is a fundamental natural limit to how accurately we can measure velocity and momentum at the same time. It's not a limit on ...
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28 votes
8 answers

Why is absolute zero considered to be asymptotical? Wouldn't regions such as massive gaps between galaxy clusters have temperatures of absolute zero?

Why is absolute zero considered to be asymptotical? Wouldn't regions such as massive gaps between galaxy clusters have temperatures of absolute zero? I just do not see why our model must work the way ...
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18 votes
4 answers

Are "intelligent" systems able to bypass the uncertainty principle?

This paper talks about finding theoretical correlations to experiential phenomena in quantum mechanical experiments using artificial intelligence (AI). If AI applications can be sufficiently well ...
Maan's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Uncertainty in Uncertainty?

I was reading about how the Planck's Constant can be measured with LEDs, which made me think about this question. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that: $$\Delta x \Delta p \ge {\hbar\...
Udit Dey's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I accurately state the uncertainty principle?

In almost every introductory course, it is taught that the uncertainty principle happens due to disturbance in the system to be measured. Teachers give these examples that induce students to ...
1__'s user avatar
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Is the uncertainty principle just saying something about what an observer can know or is it a fundamental property of nature?

I ask this question because I have read two different quotes on the uncertainty principle that don't seem to match very well. There are similar questions around here but I would like an explanation ...
Asciiom's user avatar
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Uncertainty principle in macroscopic world

The uncertainty principle says that $\Delta x\Delta p\geq \frac{\hbar}{2}$. The uncertainty principle is to be viewed as a fundamental fact of nature herself, and the principle has nothing to do with ...
Deep's user avatar
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