I am studying derivation of Killing equation by Wald (also reading some other literature) but having some problem in understanding the math.
Let $\chi ^a$ is killing vector on the horizon $$\chi _{[a \nabla_{b}} \chi_{c}]=0$$ We will get 6 terms on the left hand side on expanding the above bracket (which I understand) and then by applying killing equation $\nabla_{a} \chi_{b}+\nabla_{b} \chi_{a}=0$ we will get $$\chi_{c} \nabla_{a} \chi_{b}=\chi_{b} \nabla_{a} \chi_{c}-\chi_{a} \nabla_{b} \chi_{c}$$ I understand this entire working. Now, How do we get the following equation? $$\chi_{c} \nabla_{a} \chi_{b}=-2 \chi_{[a \nabla_{b}]}\chi_{c}.$$
Second question: I came across another equation while deriving it $$\chi_{c}(\nabla^a \chi^b)(\chi_{a} \chi_{b})=-(\nabla^a \chi^b)(\chi_{a}\nabla_{b} \chi_{c})-(\nabla^b \chi^a)(\chi^b \nabla_{a} \chi_{c})$$ How do we get the following from the above equation? $$=-2(\chi_{a} \nabla^a \chi^b)(\nabla_{b} \chi_{c})$$
Another question: If $\chi^{a} \chi_{a}=0$ (which is indeed on the horizon) does it mean $\chi_{a}\nabla^{b} \chi^{a}=0$ as well?
Should I ask this question in mathematics stack exchange ??