If we consider a $D=0$ theory with the Lagrangian: $$\mathcal{L}[\phi]=g\phi^n+J\phi$$ And its Green functions: $$G_n=\langle\phi^n\rangle_{J=0}=\frac{1}{Z[0]}\frac{\delta^nZ[J]}{\delta J^n}|_{J\rightarrow0}.$$ An infinite change of the integration variable $\phi$ leads to the equation of motion: $$\langle d\mathcal{L}/d\phi\rangle_J=gn\langle\phi^{n-1}\rangle_J=\langle J\rangle_J.$$ Then we get $G_{n-1}=0$ when $J\rightarrow0$.
My question is: Do we have any explicit insight about why the $n-1$ point correlation function vanishes?
My understanding of the correlation function is about an amplitude between two states. I know that the one-point function $\langle\phi\rangle$ vanishes if the system has some symmetries. So does the $n-1$ point function vanish also for symmetries?