I have a "philosophical" question regarding the use of periodic boundary conditions (PBD) in modeling and simulating systems of particles.
Let us consider a system of $N$ classical particles whose dynamics is described by Hamilton equations with the following Hamiltonian: $$ H(\boldsymbol{x}_1,...,\boldsymbol{x}_N,\boldsymbol{p}_1,...,\boldsymbol{p}_N) = \sum_{i=1}^N\frac{\boldsymbol{p}_i}{2m_i} + U(\boldsymbol{x}_1,...,\boldsymbol{x}_N) \; , $$ where $U$ is a generic interaction potential.
Usually, in methods like Molecular Dynamics (MD) the motion of particles is obtained via numerical integration of said Hamilton equations in a box with PBC using the minimum-image convention (MIC), that is defining the distance between two particles as the minimum distance between all the periodic images of said particles.
PBC + MIC have quite some important implications, as they affect the metric of the space in which the particles move. On a 'practical' standpoint, it is usually said that due to PCB + MIC it is not possible to cut-off long-range interactions (e.g Coulomb electrostatics, Newtonian gravity, etc...) due to the fact that the sum of said interactions over infinite periodic images is only conditionally convergent. This is why Ewald summation is needed to compute electrostatics in MD, for example.
Now, my question is: are there really infinite images? PBC can be either interpreted as "the systems moves on a torus" or "the system is replicated infinitely in a Cartesian space". Does using a special treatment of long-range interactions that assumes infinite periodic images single-out the latter interpretation and discard the former?
If the system moves on a torus, there's no need to compute the interactions over infinite images since all the images are the same image and there are truly only $N$ particles, so one can just directly sum over them. Or maybe the way I am approaching this question is completely wrong.
EDIT I: I thought I could also mention the reason why I am asking this question. In the famous book by Frenkel and Smith on molecular simulations [1] PBC are introduced to address the following problem:
In order to simulate bulk phases it is essential to choose boundary conditions that mimic the presence of an infinite bulk surrounding the N-particle model system
To me, an infinite bulk and a torus are conceptually very different! On a more practical note, I think the infinite bulk interpretation of PBC is suitable for material science, while the torus one is more suitable for biophysics.
[1] Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit, Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications, Academic Press 2002
EDIT II: After reading the answers I got so far, I think that what I should really be asking myself is why "long-range interactions wrap more around the torus" (quoting @Quillo). But that is probably a separate question.